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      I slowly pull my hands away looking anywhere in the lounge room then at Niall.

       'What? How could Niall like me, let alone love me? I thought he looked at me as a sister, or a best friend.' I thought to myself in disbelief.

      I quickly stood up and quickly made my way back to the elevators. I feel horrible leaving him there without saying anything, but Its like my feet had a mind of their own and took me to the elevators. I looked up, and just before the elevator doors closed, I saw Niall with his head in his hands.

      I just couldn't do it. I didn't have the heart to tell him how I feel, because I was afraid I would hurt him. But since I didn't say anything, I think I just hurt him a lot more than I would if I said something back.

     The elevator reached the floor I wished to get to, and I got off. I made my way to the hotel me and Harry are staying in.

    Harry. Does he know? Would he be mad at Niall? I shook my head and unlocked the door with the card and walked in.

   "Hey, babe-" He smiled when I walked in but his face immediately dropped when he saw my face. He rushes over to me and wraps his arms around me.

   "Cassie, what's wrong?" He rubs my back, and I just sob in his chest. I can't. I can't tell him about Niall. I don't know why I'm crying, its not like he hurt me or anything... I guess its just 'cause I feel really bad about not responding to him after he confessed his feelings. I know how hard it is to do that and I just walked away. I can't imagine how bad Niall is feeling right now.

    I wrap my arms around Harry and lift my head off his chest.

I see a big wet spot on his shirt from my tears.

   "I-I'm so sorry Harry." I look up at him and he looks down at me with worry.

    "Its ok, love. But what happened?" He asks wiping a few escaping tears on my cheeks away with his thumbs. I close my eyes, and take a deep breath.

    "Its ok, we don't need to worry about it." I continue to look up at him. He shakes his head.

    "No, its not ok. I wanna know what made the person I love cry." He presses.

     "Harry, I'm ok, please just let it go, I don't wanna ruin the last few days we have together until Jamie and I go back home." I stand on my tip-toes and give him a quick kiss before I walk towards the bathroom.

     "Fine." He sighs in defeat. I smile blow him a kiss. He catches it and puts his hand over his mouth. I laugh and see him smile showing off his dimples.

    "Im gonna go see what the lads are up to, see you in a little bit. Love you." I hear him yell, and I gulp, my face turning pale a  I look in the mirror.

     "Ok, love you too!" I yell, but my voice is a little shaky.

     "Are you sure you're ok, Cass?" Harry appears at the bathroom door.

      "Yeah, you go check on the lads and I will take a quick shower, yeah?" I walk over and turn the shower on.

      "Ok, and when I get back, we have to get to the stadium to do rehearsals." He kisses me on the forehead and I nod.

    He walks out of the hotel room, and I rest my hands on the counter top and look down at the floor. I take a deep breath, and look at the almost fogged up mirror.

    "What did I get myself into?"


    I sit on my bed, in the room that me and Louis share.

    " What's wrong, mate?" He asks plopping down on my bed right next to me. I roll my eyes. "Leave me alone, please Louis." I stand up and walk over to the mini fridge and grab a redbull.

  "Ok, geesh, what's up your arse?" He mumbles to himself. I sigh sit back down next to him.

   "Look, I'm sorry for acting like this lately, but I'm just having some troubles right now." I pull the tab, with the can making a 'kst' sound and taking a sip.

    "It's ok, we all feel that way sometimes, mate. But may I ask what your troubles are?"

    I shake my head. "I don't really wanna talk about it right now, sorry." He nods understandingly and goes on about his business.

  There is a knock on our door, and Louis gets up to answer it. Zayn, Liam, and Harry walk in. Great, just the guy I need to see.

   "Hey, are you guys excited for the concert tonight?" Zayn asks. A chorus of yeah's go around but I didn't say anything.

   "Don't mean to ruin the moment or anything, but do any of you guys know what happened to Cassie this morning? She came in the room crying." Harry asks sitting down on one of the chairs with a confused, yet worried look on his face. I look up, and get real nervous.

    She cried? What does that mean? Why would she cry? I'm the one who embarrassed myself.

    "No, I haven't even seen her since yesterday." Liam answers with a worried expression. "Is she ok?" Zayn, and Louis nod looking at Harry showing him that they are wondering the same.

    "Yeah, well she says she is but I'm not buying it. She said she was going down to the lobby this morning while I was in the shower, and maybe 15 minutes later she came back up with tears streaming down her face." He looks down at the ground and mumbles something that I didn't quite catch.

    "I'm sorry, mate but I don't have any idea." Zayn pats him on the shoulder.

    "Yeah, I don't either." I lie, and stand up. "I'm gonna go get something to eat. See you guys at rehearsals." I quickly walk out of the hotel room and then to the elevators.

    I couldn't stay in there and see Harry like that. I love him as a best mate and all, but I don't think he is the one Cassie should be with. 

    'Maybe he has changed for the better and really does love Cassie.' A voice says in the back of my head.

    "Ugh, leave me alone, please. Now is not the time!" I yell at the stupid voice.

    Yeah, its official. I am going absolutely insane.


    I watch as Niall leaves the room. I can tell something is up. Just the way he reacted to me asking about Cassie, it was easy to tell he must know what's going on. By now, the other guys were watching something in the telly, so I get up and walk towards the door.

    "I will see you lads at rehearsals." With that, I walk out and head back to Cassie and I's hotel room.



  Hellooooo!!! Two new chapters in ONE weekend?! Wow that's pretty amazing. Lol, I hope that helped make up for the long

wait. This chapter is short, but I hope you still like it :)

     Love you all.                                               <3 mrsdeneahoran





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