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~Present Time~


Olivia let all her attention be focused on her younger sister. Now that Olivia lived alone, she'd missed the girl and needed some bonding time. Charlotte was the only person Olivia's ever opened up to and the two being apart was difficult.

Charlotte was currently ranting about the boy band One Direction and that was Olivia's least favorite subject. She was uncomfortable with it. Olivia didn't like to be the center of attention, so she always kept to herself about knowing Harry. She's only met the boy once, really. Unless you count the times in the bakery but the two had never paid much attention to the other.

So, Olivia did as normal when Charlotte talked about the lads and zoned out. Unfortunately for Olivia, she always snapped her attention into the conversation when Harry's name was said. "...and so he'll be back tomorr-" "Wait, excuse me?" "Ugh, Olivia, pay attention. The tour got canceled because of Harry's recent throat surgery so Harry is coming back to Holmes Chapel! He'll be here tomorrow!" Olivia tried not to care.

In honest truth, she'd always wondered what would happen if Harry didn't make it big. Would he've returned and became the first ever friend of Olivia Rose? Olivia wasn't sure why she thought she'd have a chance being friends with Harry. She could easily see that Harry was the bubbly, friendly type with a snappy attitude. He'd surely forgotten Olivia by now, right?

But the dreamer in Olivia hoped that Harry never forgot her. Although she didn't want to reunite with the lad, he had a special place in Olivia's heart. He was the first to be persistent about befriending her. And although that didn't happen, he still gave it a shot. Olivia had walked away from him not long after his explanation. She'd felt guilty but she was just a shy little loser, really.

Olivia jumped about ten feet when a pair of fingers snapped on front of her face. "Don't zone out just yet, Olivia, I'm almost done!" Charlotte scolded. Olivia quirked an eyebrow. "Harry said in an exclusive interview that he's planning on writing songs while they wait to see if his voice is restored. He's coming home to get 'inspiration'."

Olivia pondered this. She was very observant of people. From the little she knew of Harry, she was thinking the inspiration thing was an excuse and that Harry merely needed a distraction from the fact that he may not be able to sing ever again.

Charlotte let out a sigh and Olivia ran her hands through her hair. It had grown wavier over the years. The ends were very curly and Charlotte had pointed out multiple times that Olivia and Harry looked a lot alike. "How cool would it be if you and Harry were long-lost twins?" Charlotte had asked multiple times.

Okay, Olivia was adopted. But she knew of her real mum- it was her adopted mum's best friend. Olivia's real mum died when Olivia was three, the father nowhere to be found. Patricia became Olivia's new mother and gave birth to Charlotte about five years later. So, no, Harry was not Olivia's twin brother.

Charlotte had now decided to leave because Olivia had zoned out for the third time. Usually she's good at pretending to pay attention but the latest Harry news was distracting her. He was coming back home. Olivia grabbed her Cannon camera- which she's bought two years ago- and her bag before rushing out the door of her parents' home.

She knew exactly where she needed to go in order to escape.


Anne sighed as Harry paced around the kitchen. His throat was hurting, which would occasionally happen, according to the doctor. Anne was upset about this. She didn't like her son being in pain.

"Harry, why don't you go get some frozen yogurt?" Harry gave a mute nod before heading up to his room. He tucked his long hair into a grey beanie and shoved skinny sunglasses onto his nose. He pulled on a long sleeve to hide his tattoos and left the house.

He walked to the frozen yogurt place near the bakery he used to work at and slid inside. He coughed to clear his voice as he took his turn to order. Luckily, his voice didn't sound the same as normal so the young girl behind the counter was oblivious. Harry tucked his beanie down further. "One large cup, please." The girl handed it over and Harry made his way to the machines. After a butt ton of swirled banana-fudge frozen yogurt and different toppings, Harry had his yogurt weighed, he paid, and he left the shop.

Harry ate as he walked, observing the town he grew up in. He heard giggling then and peeked across the street. Girls about the age of fifteen were starting to notice him. He groaned and took a sharp turn. He'd have to walk a little, but he knows exactly where to go to escape.

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