The bandage

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I kept hold of the memory box closely to me as I could tell Justin had so many questions burning away in his mind right now that he wanted to ask about the next content in the box that comes next in mine and Hannah's story together, he rubbed his hands over his eyes trying to figure out the perfect question to ask next

'Why didn't Hannah mention any of this on the tapes, your true relationship together on your tape and what you guys did together during the nights'

'Did she mention every little thing you guys did together on your tapes?' I questioned while Justin shook his head. 'I thought not. Hannah told her truths the way she wanted them to be told, what we did together when we met up was and still is no one else's business'

'Then why are you telling me all of this Clay?' he questioned, pursing his lips

'Because I'm angry all the time Justin, upset that she's gone for good but I still keep on thinking I'll see her again tomorrow' I stated, sighing heavily before meeting his gaze again. 'I miss her all the time and I haven't been able to fully open up to anyone about it, I miss my best friends so much'

Justin got up from his bed and walked over to me, pulling heavily on my arm and hauling me up to him, he embraced into a deep hug as tears started to form in my eyes and blurred my vision

'We all miss her all the time too Clay' he admitted, stroking my back soothingly. 'If you ever want to talk about Hannah just remember I'm always here for you, any time of the day or night Clay don't ever forget that'

'Thanks Justin' I croaked

He let go of me as we sat down my bed together while he handed me my memory box back, peeling off the lid of the box I rummaged around to find the next piece of memory of mine and Hannah's nights together.

'Can we talk about Hannah Now?' I asked

'Sure if it helps, I'm sorta fascinated what you guys secretly did together' he smiled weakly

At the bottom of the box I found what I was looking for and unpeeled a large bandage open before us, in the centre was a pool of dried up blood. My blood to be more exact from that night over a year ago

'This is what comes next'

'A blooded bandage' Justin questioned, raising a brow

My phone buzzed from my bedside table loudly, flashing up the screen to show I'd got a text from Tony, I dismissed it as I looked back down on the blooded bandage.......


It was late friday night as I sat at my desk hopelessly trying to do my geometry homework that was due in monday morning when I heard a small knock on the window, completely dismissing it as possibly a tree branch hitting the window in the slight autumn breeze I tried to continue on with my homework when it happened again but louder this time. Jumping out of my chair I ran to the other of my bedroom petrified of what it could be

'Holy shit' I whispered quietly to myself

It was quiet for a few minutes as the knocks stopped before the buzz of my phone in my jean pocket startled me as I reached down to retrieve it, it was a text message from Hannah, I clicked it open to reveal a one worded text she sent.

'Incoming' I sighed gently, trying to figure out what it could mean

I heard a gentle knock on my bedroom window as I looked up from my phone, walking over towards my desk I pulled on the cord for the blinds to reveal Hannah Baker was out there on the other side of my window, I quickly pushed open my window and let her inside my bedroom, lending my hands which she thankfully took as I helped her in

Clay & Hannah -The night was oursWhere stories live. Discover now