The Polaroids

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After Justin and I helped our parents clear out the loft from all the clutter that was stored up there by the years gone by late into one afternoon, we separated the items into three piles in the front room of the house. Stuff that we wanted to keep and go back up, items that would be sent off to the charity stores and lastly junk that would be thrown away as we had no use for them anymore....

Once the painstaking task of moving the keep pile back into the loft was complete, mom had decided after all our hard work to treat us to pizza for dinner. Being covered in dust and cobwebs I removed my dusty cloths and stepped into the shower, turning the heat up to the max on the settings

The hot water spilled over my body as I kept my head bowed from the gushing water as I felt content from the first time in ages, turning my head up I then felt the water hit my face then my body, feeling clean and refreshed from my shower I stood there for fifteen minutes with my own thoughts circling around inside my mind before feeling the urge to leave. Switching the nob off on the shower unit I stepped out the shower and froze in shock on who was on the other side of the curtain, whipping my hands over my privates quickly to save some dignity as someone saw me in the nude

'What are you doing in here Hannah?' I exclaimed

Hannah was stood leaning against the wall on the other side of the bathroom, her eyes scanning my body from head to toe while I reached over to the tower rail I quickly wrapped a towel around my waist.

'Can I not have five minutes to myself?' I stated, raising a brow

Hannah rolled her eyes and shook her head when she moved off the wall, taking a few steps towards me before disappearing into thin air, I reached out my hand and swayed it back and forth in the area she had just left from, amazed how she could do when it was the first time she vanished before my every eyes in front of me

'Clay' my mother's voiced called outside of the door loudly

I gave a loud but gentle hum sound back to my mother while I walked over to the closed toilet set and sat down, taking deep breaths as I closed my eyes trying to drown out the outside world noise

'Are you alright in there?'

'I'm fine'

'Ok honey but who were you just talking too now'

'No one, just rambling to myself'

'Ok' she replied softly, almost inaudible. 'I'll leave you to it'

I nodded my head and reopened my eyes to the outside world, hearing my mother's footstep walk away from the door I threw my dirty cloths into the laundry basket before changing into my fresh set of cloths I brought with me....

I was sprawled along one side of my bed with the memory box situated on my nightstand; I had gathered some polaroids out of the box and looked at some at the events that occurred during one of my best night of my life with Hannah. Justin re-entered our bedroom after he'd take a shower as well and gotten changed into his nightwear shorts and cotton t-shirt, stating he couldn't be bother to change into more house wear clothes when I raised my brow at him when it hadn't even turned past six in the afternoon yet

'What you got there man' Justin asked while I shoved the polaroids under my pillow

'Nothing, just looking back at some stuff'

'Ok brother'

Justin pulled out one of my Marvel Iron Man comics from the binder that he started reading from a few weeks ago after finding my collection. Hannah reappeared back in our bedroom again and sat down at the desk chair, placing one hand under the pillow I could feel the polaroids again and saw Hannah give me a knowing look, she raised her brows and gestured back towards Justin

Clay & Hannah -The night was oursWhere stories live. Discover now