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Justin drove rapidly to Liberty High school to get there in time for the graduation ceremony but truth be told these things never run exactly on time anyway. My mind was set on course what I needed to do this evening and how I might go about ending my life, while speeding down a quiet residential street I was blinded by the sun rays shining through the windscreen, as I was trying to block out the powerful sunlight my life flashed before my eyes and I saw a different future if I decided to stay and how my life might actually turn out to be. Reaching inside the glovebox compartment I pulled out a spare pair of sunglasses and placed them over my eyes to block the version I was having

We finally pulled up into a free parking bay in the school parking lot that was filling up fast by the minute with families of whom their child attended Liberty High. Justin and I walked along the sidewalk of Liberty High and spotted Jessica waiting at the entrance, she spotted me first and smile warmly before shifting her gaze to her boyfriend, Jessica pushed her self off the metal gates and ran towards us, leaping a few metres off the ground and into my brother's arms as they embraced tightly.

I stood awkward to one side and placed my hand behind my neck and looked anywhere but the happy couple, a few moments later Justin set Jessica back down and they pulled apart but still had an arm wrapped around each other waist

'Hey Clay' she greeted warmly. 'How are you?'

'I'm hanging in there. You haven't seen our folks have you Jess'

'I think they are with mine somewhere in the bleachers but I was surprised Miss Baker was with them when I saw your folks arrive' she replied. 'Do you know why she is here?'

'I specially invited her Jess'

'Oh' Jessica exclaimed, seeing the awkwardness fall over her face. 'Sorry I didn't know that you did'

'It's ok most people wouldn't have known'

The three of us stood by the entrance awkwardly before some of Jessica and Justin's friends from the baseball team and cheers squad hollered at them from the school's front doors, waving excited at them to come over and join them. They both stood there attentively and undecided what to next before turning their gaze back to me

'Go' I smiled reassuringly

'You sure Clay' Justin asked


'I promised mom I would stay by your side the whole day'

'Promises were made to be broken' I assured once again and placed my hand on his Justin's arm. 'Go and have some fun while you can still before everything changes'

Justin smiled warmly and wrapped his free arm around my shoulders and gave a gentle squeeze before Jessica placed her free arm around me also, I hugged and held my brother and Jessica tightly as I didn't want to let them go, I was quietly saying goodbye to them even if they didn't know it just yet.

I pulled away from Justin and Jessica and saw that they both had tears in their eyes as I did, in a short amount of time together we had been through so much that one would ever dream of never going through in their lifetime.

'We're only going to be a shout or a phone call away Clay if you need us' Jessica exclaimed

'No matter how big or small the problem is brother, we'll be here for you' Justin interjected

'I know'

Waving them off I watched as they walked over to their friends and greeted them warmly, Justin turned his gaze back to me and I nodded to reassure him as he had sad smile on his face, I felt a presence come along side me as I crocked my head to the side. Hannah was still in her graduation attire and I watched as she placed her hand in mine and leaned her head against my shoulder

Clay & Hannah -The night was oursWhere stories live. Discover now