The Notes

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Beep beep beep beep beep beep

My eyelids flew open from the annoying ringing sound that came out of my alarm clock on the nightstand; I let the sound buzz around the room for a few moments to wake Justin up as well till he groaned annoyingly into his bed. Justin rose up out of his bed and switched off my alarm clock, I met his gaze and he smiled sleepily before heading down for breakfast

I stared up at my infinity poster and thought about the day ahead, everyone would be excited to finally graduate and move forward in life from Liberty High and into pastures new, little did everyone know today will be the last time they ever saw of me alive. Turning over on my side I saw Hannah lying beside me in my bed as I jumped back in surprise

'Today is not going to be the same without you Hannah'

Hannah nodded her head and smiled weakly as I did also, remembering instantly that promise in the thrift store we made to each other for when graduation came around. Hannah lifted up her hand out of the bed and placed it over my arm, near where my bracelet sat on my wrist

'I miss you so much like crazy' I admitted

Reaching up with my right hand I twirled a few beads on my bracelet, a nervous tic I started to develop whenever I thought about Hannah. I brought my wrist up closer to me and gently kissed the metal heart bead before getting up out of bed, turning on my heel to see Hannah was still where she was in my bed

'I guess I'll be seeing you around during the day no hap' 

Hannah nodded her head as I smiled weakly back and twirled a few more beads on the bracelet, taking a deep breath and composing myself I left the my bedroom and headed downstairs to the kitchen, finding my parents and Justin sat at the small circular table with a full course breakfast meal spread amongst the table as they all waited patiently for me to join them

'Morning sweetie, how did you sleep?' Mom greeted warmly

'Ok I guess' I stated, pulling out a chair at the table and sitting between my dad and Justin. 'What's the occasion?'

'No reason, I just thought we could have a nice family breakfast together before you boys both flock the nest soon after graduation'

Little did everyone know at this table that this would be the last family breakfast we would have together, I didn't want to hurt them anymore than I would after today

'You given any more thought into which college you want to go to Clay' Dad questioned, looking up from his tablet

'It's either between UCLA or West Virginia' I proclaimed to them

'West Virginia' they all exclaimed, their eyes popping out of their sockets when they heard my second choice of higher education

'Shepherdstown to be more exact, Shepard University' I informed them

Over the last few months I had given some real thought into my future and where I could possibly go to next after Liberty, I had drawn up a list of possible choices of Arizona State University, University of Nevada, Reno that were closer to home and also including West Virginia on my list to broaden my horizons, somewhere on the other side of the country where I could reinvent myself and be someone new than what I already am here, just like Hannah wanted to do and move to New York and start afresh after Liberty High

'It's a bit far aint it' Justin interjected, picking up his folk and knife

'On the other side of the country to be exact Justin' Mom had corrected   

'Why there Clay' Dad questioned, moments those words left his mouth I heard my mom smack her foot against his shin underneath the table

'Yeah, why not somewhere closer to home so I can visit you' Justin proclaimed, tucking into his pancakes

Clay & Hannah -The night was oursWhere stories live. Discover now