brandon_arreaga: rid ur life from all that bad juju👀
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"Yo B, are you ready yet", Austin yells up the stairs.
The boys were about to go to this party that one of their friends were throwing.
Brandon sighed as he puts his phone back into his pocket.
He was hoping Mercury would like the picture or at least text him or something.
He didn't feel like going to this party.
He just wanted to watch Netflix or work on some music.
He knows its been eight months since he found out Mercury cheated on him.
You want to know what's worse, he doesn't even care.
All Brandon wants is to hold Mercury and tell her everything is alright.
However, that's what he feels when he feels with his heart but, then when he thinks of her his head thinks of all the ways he could yell at her and tell her that she broke him.
Brandon would just like to know what he did wrong to make her cheat on him.
However, he has Charlotte.
So, as usual, he has to push aside his feelings for Mercury and continue to plaster fake smiles to everyone.
No One's POV
"Brandon, snap the fuck out of it!" Zion yells at B.
"He's doing it again", Edwin says as he walks into the living room with Nick.
"Guys, I'm good, we should get going", Brandon says as he tries to make his way to the front door but the guys block his way.
"You're not "good" man. Not since You and Mercury broke up". Nick says as he sits on the couch, along with everyone else.
"We should really get going to the part-" Zion interrupts Brandon.
"B, fuck the party and talk to us man. We've tried to give you your time and everything but we think its time that you open up to us about the breakup. We know its a touchy subject for you but, for goodness sakes, we're your brother man!" Zion says while looking at Brandon in his eyes.
"I just wish I knew what I did wrong", Brandon says softly finally letting his guard down to his brother.
"Brandon it's not your fault," Austin says
" Yeah, it'll be okay Bra-"
"No! It won't be okay, I'm not happy because I'm still in love with her!", Brandon yells back to Edwin.
"I'm sorry Ed for yelling at you," B says
"It's fine I'm glad you were able to finally share your feelings with us," Edwin says
"Guys, I don't know what I'm going to do. I'm with Charlotte but, I'm obviously not being 100% with her right now. I don't even know what to feel or how I'm going to tell her or-" Brandon starts to panic.
"Brandon calm down, okay? We here for ya man", Zion says as he goes to hugs Brandon while the rest of the guys agree with what Zion said.
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old wounds
Fanfiction|she tried to win him back but, is she ready to patch up old wounds?| sequel to |w a n t e d|