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It was 12:30 and that meant one thing. One meaning shared by any faculty member or student at Marvel.


Fury stood up from his nest in the records room, where countless files and manila folders lay scattered. He tilted his neck from side to side, rolled his shoulders and stretched out his arms- each time satisfied with an audible crack from his joints. He checked his watch and walked out from the office, twisting the key in the lock to make sure that no one would be able to disturb his newly accessed habitat.

He pulled on his jacket and buttoned it up as he exited the red, main entrance block and marched through the courtyard to get back to the library block where he saw, once he had entered the library's inner doors, the all the pupils were still in their initial seats with their heads flat against the table tops, seemingly asleep.

He smirked, a glint of knowing power in his eyes, and reached to pluck a large hardback book from a nearby shelf and weigh it in his palm. Then he crept along the tables until he reached the table at which Romanoff and Rogers were sitting at and slammed the book onto the tabletop with as much force as he could muster; causing a monstrous burst of noise to thunder throughout the library.

The students shot up into straight backed positions, each clutching at their pounding hearts.

"Wakey-wakey. I've come to let you know that it's lunch; so you can get out whatever you've brought. What's the problem Barton?" He hissed.

The boy lowered his vertically stretched arm, "Will we be able to buy stuff from the vending machines? It's just that I haven't bought anything and I'm ab-so-lute-ly starving."

Fury narrowed his eyes at the detention regular. He couldn't exactly say no; he could get reported for allowing a student to 'starve'- even though he knew that none of these asshole kids had ever felt true hunger in their lives or ever would. "Does anyone else need something from the machines?"

The other four rose their hands.

"For god's sake," he muttered and pulled a piece of paper from his notebook and placed it in front of Tony, "take a note of what everyone wants and give the list to... Rogers and- Barnes. Yeah, Rogers and Barnes; I want you to go and get what everyone wants from the canteen machines. I'll check back here in ten minutes, by which point I want you back in your seats and the whole room in silence, capeesh?"

Rogers nodded earnestly while Barnes just shrugged from the back row.


Fury strolled from the main library and back across the corridor to the librarian's office. Once the door shut, the students began to talk once more.

Some time later, two boys left the room with clinking change in their pockets and a long list of demands in the blonde's hand.

"Four cans of Coca-Cola, two bags of Cheetos and a Snickers bar for Barton; a Diet Coke and a Fortune Bubble-gum stick for Natasha; and a Yoo-hoo for Tony. Are you going to get anything?" Steve asked the brunette.

The quiet boy shrugged, "maybe a Coke? I dunno, I have about $1 on me."

"I prefer Pepsi."

Bucky looked him with heavy judgement, "Really? But it's gross."

"Oh shut up! Pepsi is so much better than Coke- it's way, way too over sweet. And when it gets warm, it's like drinking syrup."

"Excuse me, Coca-Cola was made first so technically, Pepsi is just a great big rip off! Also where I lived, before here, they only sold Coke so I just got used to it." This final sentence really grabbed Steve's attention so as they entered the large doors that led into the canteen he asked:

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