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I have never felt comfortable in my body and when a 50 year old men stares at my ass as I walk by it doesn't help it does not help when I call myself fat and someone says I'm not
I still think I'm fat I still cant see anything about my body that i like
i get a boyfriend and he loves it
I don't understand how all I see is fat and scratches and streach mark even my doctor has a problem with it
but him he just looks at it
like I'm art made from Michael Angelo or a sculpture from Leonardo da Vinci
he never sees the ugly and I don't know how he makes me want to love my body
I don't know if i can because all I see is the body i grew up in and failed maybe the is no chance I'll it like it maybe there is not way to change but he makes me want to try for him and myself i want to be happy again

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