:: Chapter 2 ::

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With a sigh of relief, Bakugou finally steps out of the faculty as he stresses over nothing. He hears footsteps near him, he converges on the sound only to see Uraraka going down the stairs, she too sees him as she feels his presence behind her.

"What are you still doing here, shrimp?" He inquires angrily but calmly "N-nothing... just roaming around" Bakugou steps past her and ignores her. "B-by the way Bakugou... You don't really seem like your self today" That sentence shot through his heart "That's none of you're business." A slight rankled tone in his voice. "It's just that.. you don't yell anymore, but I kinda like that" She nervously states, Bakugou's face showing a light shade of pink. "But since you don't... why don't you smile more often! I'm sure you'd look adorable- Ahh!!" She then covers her mouth with both their eyes wide open.

"That spilled out of my mouth— I..." That left Bakugou flustered with a feeling he himself could not describe. What was that feeling? It didn't feel familiar. Both their faces were red as the awkward atmosphere surrounds them "I- I have to go!"

He chuckles, being a bit oblivious to what she said... it was more than a compliment for sure. Bakugou leaves the building without knowing he had a smile on his face. "Oi, Katsuki!" He looks around to see Kirishima with Kaminari and Jirou. His expression changed to an angry state, being called 'Katsuki' without permission. He goes to them and hits Kirishima on the head "Ah! What was that for?!" He rubs his head, feeling a little bump followed with pain "I didn't say you're allowed to call me by my first name, idiot!" Bakugou looks away still pretty annoyed, but he saw Uraraka in the distance, panting. 'She must be tired from running away from me' She walks and fades away, walking back home.

"Also, why were you smiling, Katsuki?" Jirou asks "I TOLD YOU NOT TO CALL ME THAT!" He warns them strictly "Yeah, yeah... So why were you smiling? Got someone on your mind?" That made Bakugou freeze, just having a coincidence of bumping with Uraraka a while ago "WHAT? NO!" Kaminari chuckles "Well whatever it is don't let it distract you" A surprising reply from Denki "Says the guy who failed the practicals" Katsuki informed, the others giggled as they walk home too.

: time skip :

Uraraka arrives home, still having Bakugou on her mind. It was unusual for it to happen, but because of what happened at the sports festival he respects her and even complimented her. That made her heart pound. It inspired her a lot and motivated her to get stronger, so he definitely boosted her confidence up. She still ponders on what Katsuki was thinking about during class that had distracted him, though she felt like she shouldn't bother him. 'Did I really just say he was adorable...?' She wonders if it somehow made him happy.

Meanwhile, Bakugou tries to push out the monsters inside him. His thoughts were overwhelming him, exposing him, controlling him. He felt isolated. Empty. It just went on and on. He wanted to shout out his feelings, but he felt forbidden to do so. He scrolls through the day, recalling only his mistakes and not positivity.

The trail stopped when he remembers Ochaco. Her smile. Her eyes. If he replied to her compliment would it changed the mood? Maybe. He couldn't stop thinking about her, maybe he should've replied with saying thank you..? And because of that, he instead looked for endless possibilities the conversation with her went until he fell asleep.

: time skip to the morning where they're already in school lmao this is long okay bye :

Balugou came to school early, despite the drowsiness trying to drag him down. On his way to the classroom, the thought of Ochaco re-appears in his mind. He suddenly feels a warm feeling in his heart, was it happiness? Maybe more than that. He opens the door, hearing little chatter, and seeing Uraraka at the back just sitting and talking with her friends. They meet eyes, unexpectedly. Bakugou averts his gaze and goes to his respective seat. He settles down, footsteps nearing him assuming it was Kirishima, trying to annoy him again. "What is it now—" "Bakugou..." He sits tight, mistaking Uraraka for his silly friend.

"C-can we talk outside?" His mind goes blank without an idea of why she asked that, he nodded in agreement anyway.

"What did you want to talk about?"
"Uh.. Um, I was wondering.. if I could train with you?"
"Tch, why should I train with you, you're already good on your own."

She wasn't sure whether to take that as an insult or a compliment, but either way, she was certain Bakugou was trying to be nice to her.

"It's because you're really strong! And... ever since you told me I was too, you gave me more confidence to be a hero... is that reason valid enough?" She asks while insecurity fills her nerves, a blush showing on her cheeks. Bakugou felt convinced that he guarantees that he'll be closer with Uraraka.

"Fine then, we'll start on the weekend. Give me your phone" He says, fumbling into his pocket
"W-what? Why?"
"So I can get your number, and text you, doi" He types in his number, and takes her number too

He returns her phone and slightly opens the tall door, Bakugou turns around to her and says:

"Oh, and don't tell anyone about this, they might think we're dating." He warns, going in to the classroom, leaving it open for Uraraka, that last bit put shivers down her spine.

She was glad that he accepted her request, and not even yell at her, but he mustn't know about something.


// oof that went well just kidding i'm bad at this, soooo i apologize for not updating sooner but i will set a schedule that will definitely torture me see y'all soon !! //

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