A wormhole away

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If anyone had told Lance that his entire planet would be destroyed by his fathers closest friend, especially when said friend was thought to have been dead, he wouldn't believe you. As it was, Lance didn't really get a chance to properly deal with the situation at hand.

"Father you must use Voltron to fight back against Zarkon!" Allura pleaded, grasping King Alfor's hands tightly. Lance stood near by with Coran, lips drawn together in a tight frown while he watched his sister plead to their father. His arms were crossed, and his fingers were digging into his tanned skin.

"I must hide Voltron, it is the only way to protect the universe." Alfor said calmly, he brought Allura's hands up to his face and kissed them softly. His eyes sparkled with pride as he looked at Allura, then his eyes swept over to where Lance was. He smiled sadly at his two children. "You both must go; Coran, get to the sleep pods." Alfor ordered, Coran nodded and stepped forward to grab Allura.

"Father you can't!" Allura begged, "Lance help me!" She said, turning to her brother. Her big eyes showed her fear at the situation, and glistened like diamonds with unshed tears. Lance took a deep breath and closed his eyes, the released the tension in his body and let a small smile form on his face. His own eyes betrayed his guise of relaxation. They were sharp, a cold blue taking over his naturally ocean blue eyes.

"Come on 'Lura, we need to go." He said, beginning to walk to his sister. Allura shook her heard harshly, trying to now yank her hands out of their fathers grasp.

"No! Im staying and we're going to fight Zarkon!" Allura shouted, tears now freely flowing down her face. Lance's smile turned strained as he watched his sister struggle.

"I'm sorry Allura, Lance." Alfor paused in his words, eyes gazing at both of his children as if he was trying to embed this memory in his head. "I love you both dearly." He said, before hitting Allura's pressure point to make her fall unconscious. Allura's eyes began to glaze over as he slowly reached out towards Alfor.

"Father..." She slowly rasped out as Lance shot forward and caught her. He quickly swept her off of her feet and into a bridal style hold. He looked over at Coran, who was frowning at the entire scene.

"Coran, we need to get Allura to safety." Lance said, shooting a glance towards their father. Alfor only frowned.

"You both need to get to safety. Lance you will not come back to fight with me." Alfor demanded.

"Father I could buy you time. You can use my shooting skills. Please if you fight alone you will die." Lance pleaded, handing Allura over to Coran. "I can help! I can by you time so that you can escape! Allura needs you."

"If you stay and fight you too will die, and I will not have my children dying for a war that is no ones fault but mine." Alfor said, showing Lance the fear he was desperately trying to hide. Lance frowned, taking a few steps towards Coran.

"I..." He trailed off, sighing before raising his head, a fake smile plastered to his face. "I understand Father." He spoke, nodding slowly before looking at Coran. "Let's get to those pods Coran."

"Yes my prince." Coran spoke, already beginning to lightly jog in the direction of the pods. Lance began to jog after him, them slowed and shot a look back to his father.

"I love you father." Lance spoke, voice cracking slightly. Alfor raised his right hand, and set a wave towards his son. Lance turned back and continued to run after Coran and Allura. Soon they reached the room in the castle where the sleep pods were placed. Coran made quick work of prepping Allura's pod, then he carefully placed Allura into it. As this was happening Lance went to the controls, quickly setting up another pod. He walked over to Coran, smiling tightly.

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