Sonnet 116

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Keith was a lot of things, and at first he believed that oblivious wasn't one of them. However, looking back on the events that had led up to this moment, he realized he couldn't have been blinder.


"This is Keith," Zarkon introduced to Alfor, one hand on Keith's shoulder casually as a relaxed smile filled his face. Keith stood awkwardly, trying to appear calm in front of both his emperor and the king of Altea. "I believe that he is fit to watch over Prince Lance," Zarkon continued on.

"Is that so?" Alfor asked, a small smile filling his face as he looked over Keith. He seemed roughly about the same age as Lance. He was wearing the normal galran armor, and Alfor could clearly see the nervousness in his eyes.

"Why Keith?" Alfor asked, then he looked at Keith and shrugged. "No offense, of course," he said afterwards, much like an afterthought.

"He may be young, but he has been climbing the ranks. He knows how to access a situation and he doesn't believe in leaving any man behind," Zarkon explained, tightening his grip on Keith shoulder. "Even if it would mean sacrificing himself."

Alfor nodded his head at Zarkon's explanation. "I meant more, why the name Keith. Just seems a lot different than the traditional galran name," Alfor explained, bringing a hand up to rub at the back of his neck sheepishly.

"My father named me," Keith spoke up finally. Alfor looked at him, raising an eyebrow. "I'm not sure where the name came from other than that. I know my mother wanted to name me Yorak though," Keith continued to explain, starting to ramble on.

"That's understandable," Alfor said, bringing his hands up and clapping. "Well, I certainly do approve of him, especially since you personally have recommended him, but we need to leave the final decision to Lance," Alfor explained.

Zarkon nodded his head, nudging Keith forward. "And how is young Lance doing?" he asked as the two men began to walk. Keith began to walk behind the two leaders, keeping himself quiet. When Zarkon proposed this new job for Keith he immediately jumped on board—any chance to get away from the galra empire and the loneliness that seemed to surround him would be a blessing. Sure, he had never met this prince, but how bad could a prince really be? Prince Lotor wasn't too bad, and he had only heard good things about Princess Allura, so surely Prince Lance would be just fine.

Keith could feel his right ear begin to twitch slightly, an easy sign of telling that he was somewhat anxious. It was at this moment he wished that he had on his uniform helmet, a blessing to help hide all of his usual tells. Speaking of tells, his tail was wrapped tightly around his leg, the tip of it twitching against the skin of his leg. Another sign of nervousness. The three of them continued to walk, Alfor and Zarkon chatting and catching up with each other as Keith stayed lost in his own thoughts.

"We're here," King Alfor said, stopping outside one of the palace rooms. The giant door leading to the room was white with some light blue accents traveling across it. Keith took in the sight of the door and the corridor that it resided in. If Prince Lance approved of him, then he would likely have to stand outside of this room for long periods of time, and he figured it was best to go ahead and get acquainted in the surroundings as soon as he could.

King Alfor stepped closer to the door, bringing up a hand and knocking swiftly. From inside the room there was a shout, the words inaudible from outside of the doors. Keith frowned at that new information. He had previously planned to be stationed outside of the room, but if something was to happen inside the room, there was a good chance that the sound would be muffled due to the almost complete soundproofing.

The door swung open a minute later, breaking Keith out of his own musings. Prince Lance stepped out of the room, and it was as if he took all the oxygen with him. His brown hair was mussed slightly, his ocean blue eyes shining brightly as his pale blue altean markings stood out against his tanned skin. His long ears twitched slightly, taking in the sounds of the corridor.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2018 ⏰

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