Chapter 15

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"Hey, wake up sleeping beauty" i hear a soft laugh and feel a shove to my shoulder. 

"whaa?" i mumble, blinking my eyes open and rubbing the sleep out of them. 

"were here" Michael speaks, not turning around. 

"oh." i push myself into a seated position and look over the side, i will never get tired of this view. 

"oh wow" I hear Calum's awe struck voice next to me and i smile.

"amazing isnt it" i ask, he doesn't speak but i see him nod his head, still staring wide eyed at the ground that's fast approaching.

"welcome to Elamor." Michael says as we touch down. he pats Alkira's neck and jumps off of her back, standing beside her to help Calum and I off. 

"why thank you kind sir" i joke, taking his hand and letting him pull me off. he laughs and jokingly bows.

"you're welcome my princess" 

"hey!" i slap his shoulder.

"stop calling me princess! i am in fact a boy!" 

"oh, really? I would have never guessed" Michael  smirks, reaching up to tug on one of the long curls that now frame my face after the months I've been away. I frown and swat his hand away as i hear Calum laughing behind me. once Calum is safely on the ground, i let Michael lead us back into the barn. 

"good you're back! finally!" Ashton yells from one of the stalls, probably Wyatt and Winthrop's, when he hears our footsteps. my suspicions are proven correct when he pops his curly head out of the stall.

"So are you Calum then?" he addresses the black haired boy who is trailing behind Michael and I, still with the awestruck expression.

"oh, uh. ya." he nods, breaking himself out of the trance he was in. 

"I'm Ashton" Ash holds out his hand for Calum to shake.

"So Calum, wanna meet some baby dragons?" Michael smirks at Calum's wide eyes. 

"where's mine?" i ask, turning to face Ashton.

"he's in here, they're playing." he waves us into the stall and i smile, seeing my little silver and red dragon tumbling around in the hay with the twins. 

"what's their names?" Calum speaks up, earning a squeak from one of the twin dragons in front of us in return. 

"Wyatt and Winthrop, and Luke has yet to name his." Ashton answers, staring at one of the golden dragons with a puzzled expression. 

"why haven't you named him?" he asks me. i shrug, looking over to Michael as i speak.

"i didn't know i could?" Michael shrugs.

"go ahead" i look down at the little creature and think it over for a second before a perfect name comes to mind.


"i like it" Ashton smiles at me. i grin back, walking over and kneeling on the floor to allow the newly named Ember climb on my lap. it's then that i notice one of the golden dragon's is still staring up at Calum. 

"Ash. why is he doing that?" i ask, looking up.

"beats me" he shrugs. 

"Calum, sit down next to Luke"Michael tells him.

"uh ok?" he says slightly reluctant, but does anyway. then something no one was expecting happen, the tiny gold dragon climbs into Calum's lap and nudges his hand. i look up to Michael and Ashton who are already staring at each other with wide eyes.

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