Chapter 16

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"You're doing great Calum."

"watch your footing Luke!"

"Mike you can go a bit easier on him don't you think?" Markus laughs, walking over and holding his hand out to help me up. Once i stand up i brush myself off and pick my sword back up, readying my stance for Michael's next attack.  He huffs. 

"If i go easy on him he will be killed in real battle." he holds his sword level with my face.

"i think you're forgetting Luke fought off your uncle AND his men with no preparation" Calum says without sparing a glance as he is too busy with his own mock battle with Ashton. Markus walks around us, shouting corrections and encouragements.

"and managed to get himself AND his mother thrown in dungeons" Michael rolls his eyes, lunging at me. I manage to block his attack this time without losing my footing. 

"would you have rather i let him kill me?" I lunge back at him, smacking his sword away from my face. 

"maybe if you were trained better-" i cut him off.

"DON'T talk about my training! My father trained me since i was born to fight along side my knights! He put his heart and soul into training me until the day he died! so NEVER talk about my past!" I shout, the older's words striking a nerve in me as i put all the anger built up inside and swing my sword at the caught off guard prince.  It's when he hisses in pain and drops his own sword that I'm broken out of my rage.

"Fuck" he staggers back, holding his hand to his cheek. 

"Mike?" Ashton calls. I glance over to the two who have now stopped their own battle and are walking over, their concerned questions catching Marks's attention.

"Michael? what happened?" he calls, jogging over. the four of us stand in a imperfect circle around him as he stands frozen in place with his hands still on his face. his eyes are locked on the ground but i can see they are glazed over with a far off look in them. what happened? It isn't until the small drop of blood falls from between his fingers, to the grass below his feet that we all stare wide eyed in shock.

"Mi-" i start to whisper his name but i am cut off when he suddenly snaps his gaze up, all trace of the clouded over look gone, replaced by fire. before any of us can register what's happening, he is on me in an instant, shoving me to the ground then standing above me with his sword to my throat as he whispers familiar words. i see his eyes start to glow the same gold color as when he drenched me in water my first day here, and when he burned my hand with my sword the first time we fought. Magic. hes using magic! 

my eyes flick to his left hand that he's slowly raising to face me, that too emanating a soft glow before seemingly bursting into flames. my eyes widen and i start to struggle to get free but i come to find that he also has a foot placed on my chest.

"Michael!" someone shouts, my fear taking over too much to register that it was me. Just as i see the flame start to leave his hand i clench my eyes shut and turn my face away, but nothing happens. 

As i blink my eyes open and my hearing starts to come back to me, i stare at the place Michael's sword was just seconds ago, then sit up on my forearms and look around curiously when i see it isn't there.

"Luke? Luke are you alright?" It's Calum's voice that i hear first, bringing my attention to the boy kneeling next to me with his hand on my shoulder. i blink up at him, still confused as to what just happened. 

"what?" i ask, he gives me a lopsided grin and tilts his head behind him. 

"woah" i gasp when i see what's in front of me. Ashton and Markus are kneeling next to what looks like an unconscious Michael, but that isn't what everyone is staring at. it's the Three full grown Dragons standing there, two of which seem to be squaring off.

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