The first day of the rest of your life ( high school life that is)

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A/N the beginning might seem a bit badly written and boring but plz read it. I swear my writing gets better as the story evolves. I'm not just saying this bc I wrote it but bc it's true. Give it a chance before you leave bc of my grammar errors


It was Agatha's first day of high school in Camelot. She had moved to Camelot after finishing her first semester of senior year in Gavaldon. Gavaldon was a small town. Agatha had lived there all her life, until she had to move to Camelot because of a job opportunity. Agatha didn't really mind moving, she was shy and a loner as many kids had called her but she was fine with that because her best friend would always make her feel better. She had been fine with the bullies until Sophie had to move. Sophie moved after the 6th grade. Agatha was alone again. Agatha didn't know where Sophie had moved to but she really missed her. They had been best friends for as long as Agatha could remember. Agatha had asked her mom is she could finish her senior year in Gavaldon but Callis said that they couldn't wait any longer. That's how Agatha had ended up in her current situation. Agatha had walked onto the campus a few minutes before her meeting with the principal. Agatha was wearing a burgundy cropped sweater with a black skater skirt, black stockings and her usual black clumps. She was distracted by a map of the campus and wasn't paying attention to where she was walking. She bumped into someone
"Oh my, im so sorry."
"Sorry isn't going to fix my cashmere sweater!" Agatha looked downs at the girls shirt. She was drenched in coffee.
"Sorry i wasn't paying attention to where I was walking...sorry to ask but can you give me directions to the administration office?"
"Ugh!" the girl stormed off.
"Maybe you shouldn't have said that," a girl with short hair spoke up, "im Kiko, i'm guessing you're new here because if you knew Beatrix you would have been more careful."
"Hi, yes, im new. Im Agatha, nice to meet you Kiko," Agatha stuck out her hand for a handshake but instead got enveloped in a hug that was warm and smelled strongly of roses.
"Sorry, i'm more of a hugger than a hand shaker."
"It's fine, I didn't mind it."
"So you needed directions to the administration office."
"Yeah, I have a meeting with the Principal and this place is so big I was having trouble finding it."
"Don't worry about it, you're going to love it here."
"How much time do you have before your meeting?"
"I have a good 15 minutes before I have to be there."
"Great, let's go." Before Agatha could respond she was being dragged across the school. For someone so small Kiko was pretty strong.
"This is the most important place in the entire school."
"Isn't this the cafeteria?"
"Duh, this is where all the important things happen."
"In a cafeteria? What important things could happen here,"
"You'll see"
"Seems fake but ok. If I'm being honest tho I'd probably just eat lunch in the library."
"I don't know if you can do that here"
"Oh well ig I'll just have to find a quiet place to read them."
"Oh, you're one of those people, dont worry there is a nerd table where you will feel right at home." Agatha felt offended.
"I'm not a nerd, I just value educa- nevermind I am a nerd." Agatha said defeatedly
"There's nothing wrong with being a nerd, im a nerd."
"But you look like a stuck up popular like in the movies, no offense."
"Its fine im both, I sit with the populars and act dumb outside class, but when i'm in the classroom I always know the answer."
"Oh, good for you."
"Thank you," Kiko said cheekly, "now to show you how the cafeteria is seated, each group has there table. Some of them are cliches like the geeks, theater nerds, and so on. Some people aren't into groups and they just sit with random people. The only tables you should avoid sitting in are those in the center. Those are for the jocks and the cheerleader and princess so-," Kiko said, "hey, where are you going,"
"I'm going to be late for my meeting, lets go, you can talk to me about this later."
"Fine, whats your homeroom,"
"Room 107b with Professor Anemone, why do you want to know?"
"Oh nice that's also my homeroom, I'll explain the rest to you there."
"Here we are, the administration office, bye Agatha I'll talk to you later."
"Bye Kiko, see you in homeroom." Kiko hugged her one last time and went on her way to the quad. Agatha opened the door to the office. She walked over to the secretary.
"Hello, im Agatha, i'm here to see Principal Dovey."
"Ah yes, follow me." The secretary led Agatha to a room with a gold plaque on the door that read "Principal Dovey's Office.
"Wait out here for her, she'll come get you when she's ready." Agatha sat down on one of the chairs that was outside the office. Principal Dovey came out a few minutes later.
"Hi Principal Dovey, it's nice to meet you."
"Agath? you're here 5 minutes early for our meeting, I was about to go out to tell Cassandra to let you in when you arrived but since you're already here we will start the meeting."
"Blame my mother, she raised me to be punctual." Agatha and the Dean shared a laugh.
"Well, I appreciate the effort, most of our students that come late don't mind it." There was a knock on the door.
"Please excuse me Agatha, one of our regulars for attendance has finally arrived." Agatha didn't want to intrude so she faced forwards ignoring the person that had just walked into the office."
"Ah Sophie please have a seat. This is your third time late this week, so you have a detention," Principal Dovey stated in a stern voice and started writing up a detention slip, "you also interrupted my conversation with the new student, Agatha." Agatha turned to her side to greet the girl. Her eyes widened in shock and her mouth dropped open.
"Aggie, is that you."
"Yeah, is that you princess Sophie," Agatha said with a smirk creeping into her face.
"I can't believe that was my nickname when we were younger." Sophie huffed
"Aggie is worse. I don't mind it so much today but I honestly hated it when we were younger."
"Do you two already know each other."
"Kind of, we were best friends when we were younger but then I moved here to Camelot," "and I stayed in Gavaldon," Agatha finished Sophie's sentence. It was just like the old times except Sophie had only gotten more beautiful while Agatha still felt she looked like a witch. Agatha had always been the brain out of the two of them while Sophie was the looks. Sophie wasn't stupid she was just...below Agatha's level.
"Oh goody, maybe hanging out with Agatha will give you a better sense of time management," Principal Dovey told Sophie, "and since you already know each other I'm sure you wouldn't mind showing Agatha around the campus and help her get to her classes."
"Of course I wouldn't mind, Aggie was my best friend for years before I moved and we could certainly use the time to catch up with what is going on with our lives."
"Just make sure to get her to her classes on time."
"I will, have a little confidence in me," Principal Dovey raised and eyebrow at Sophie, "ok fine, have some confidence in Agatha." With that they left Principal Dovey's office.
"So what's been going on with your life?" Sophie asked.
"You know the usual being the loner with no friends. I was actually kinda glad we moved because this could be and opportunity to redesign my image."
"I can see, Aggie you look so pretty, puberty has really done you a favor."
"Your one to talk, I hear your nickname is still princess, it suits you,"
"Aw Aggie, I've missed you. I have some friends here but no one could ever replace that void in my heart when I left, well one person has kind of filled it," a blush crept up on Sophie's face, "my boyfriend Tedros has really helped."
"So, you really did find your Prince Charming like you always wished."
"Yeah, he really is the best,"
"Who really is the best?" A blonde haired boy walked up to the girls and wrapped and arm around Sophie's waist.
"You know you are, Tedros." Sophie leaned into the boys chest.
"Aggie, this is Tedros he's my boyfriend."
"Hi, im Agatha, nice to meet you Tedros." Agatha stuck out her hand for a handshake. Tedros shook her hand.
"Strong grip Agatha, it's nice to meet you too," Tedros responded, "im just curious about how you to know each other?"
"It's kind of a long story," Sophie said with a hint of sadness in her voice, "we were best friends in elementary and the first year of middle school, but then I moved here and we lost touch."
"Oh sorry, did I hit a sore subject."
"No no, its fine its just that we missed each other, well I mean I missed you." Agatha said with a questioning done in her voice.
"I missed you too Aggie."
"This is a sweet moment and all but we have to get to class, and you, Sophie can't afford to be late again."
"I know I know, come on Aggie, what's your homeroom?" Agatha pulled out her schedule.
"Um it's room 107b."
"Oh Aggie, um I can't take you to your class, my homeroom is on the other side of the school."
"Oh um it-."
"I can take her." Tedros spoke up, "that's my homeroom remember."
"Oh yeah, I forgot, sorry honey."
"It's cool, so Agatha, let's go."
"Ok, let's go."
"Bye guys, see you at lunch, by the way Agatha your sitting with us we have a lot of catching up to do." They all made their way to their homerooms.
"So, Agatha what do you like to do in your free time?" Tedros asked.
"Oh, I mainly spend my time reading, but I also like to watch Netflix and design."
"What's your favorite series that you've read so far?"
"Probably the Percy Jackson series or the Heroes of Olympus series. I don't know if you've heard of them."
"Heard of them I love them, I have both of the series at my house."
"Really you don't seem like the kind of person that would be into those series, no offense or anything but you seem more like a jock that some fanboy."
"No offense taken, im a jock and everything but that doesn't mean I don't enjoy other things."
"I know that but myself being a "nerd" and everything, have never met a jock who liked doing anything but their dedicate sport. One time a boy literally snatched a book out of my hands, flipped through it and then said "why are there no pictures" we were in our second year of high school for gods sake."
"Hahaha so he literally did what Gaston did to Belle in beauty and the beast."
"Haha wait you watched beauty and the beast?"
"I watched it with my little sister." Agatha gave him a questioning look.
"Really." she said flatly.
"No, belle was my favorite princess."
"The things you learn about people on the way to homeroom."
"Just don't tell anyone, you can't let anyone know that i'm not macho."
They both laughed. They continued talking and getting to know eachother better.
"No, that can't be true, Hephaestus can't be your godly parent, you seem more like a son of Apollo."
"Really? I pictured myself more as a son of Zeus," Tedros flexed his arms.
Agatha laughed at him.
"Well i'm obviously a daughter of Athena because you know," Agatha pointed at her brain, "i'm full of wisdom." Now it was Tedros' turn to laugh.
"What? it's true, I took the quiz online."
"Wow, what a nerd."
"Excuse me but you literally stated like 20 facts on why jasper is a better ship than Solangelo when we all know that the order from best ship to worst ship is Percabeth, Solangelo, Frazel, Theyna, Caleo, and then Jasper, and that's only considering canon ships because if we are talking about fanon ships then Jasper would be after Perachel."
"I stand corrected, you're a nerd."
"And you're a jerk."
They walked into homeroom and everyone stopped there conversations and stared at them.
Agatha didn't know why. She went to sit in an empty desk next to Kiko.
"Girl, what are you doing talking to Tedros, he is the most popular guy in school, and his girlfriend is the most popular girl in school."
"I know, she's my childhood best friend, and I didn't know where my class was, and since we have the same homeroom, he offered to walk me here, nothing else happened, I could never betray Sophie after all she did for me when we were younger."
"That's not I mean, I mean that Sophie doesn't let tedros, well more like Tedros never gets close to any other girls, he is like the literal definition of loyal, he doesn't even go near Sophie's best friend."
"Exactly, he's loyal to Sophie, he was just being nice and showing me to my class."
"I know but something seems weird." Kiko was going to add to that thought when the bell rang, Agatha had never been so relieved to leave a class. Her next class was ap physics with Mr.Pollux in room 112a. Kiko had offered to take her but her class was right next door, so Agatha told her he would find her way there. With the help of a girl, she found her way to her class. She was surprised to find that Tedros was also in her class. She walked over to her teacher.
"Hi, im Agatha and im a new student."
"Hi Agatha, I'm Mr.Pollux nice to meet. Please take a seat next to Tedros."
"Tedros please raise your hand." Tedros raised his hand and Agatha took the seat next to him.
"So I guess you are a nerd, since you're in ap physics." Tedros whispered to her.
"So are you since you are also in this class." she whispered back.
"And the only reason im in this class is because he is named after a character in the PJO series."
"Really? I didn't notice."
"I don't know if that's sarcasm or the jock part of your brain talking but," Agatha leaned closer to his face, "fake fan."
"Hey that wasn't very nice."
"It wasn't very nice that you forgot about Castor and Pollux."
"I was just kidding, I could never forget."
"Yeah right."
"I couldn't,"
"Whatever helps you sleep at night."
"I thought fangirls were nice." Tedros under his breath.
"We are, just not to fake fans." Agatha told him before turning back in her seat and writing down the notes. The first half of the day was fine except for when she accidentally went to room 103a instead of 103b. Then lunch came, Agatha knew Sophie wanted her to sit with her and her group but Agatha couldn't help but feel weird about it because she wasn't part of their clique. Agatha made her way to the cafeteria, she had barely stepped through the double doors when a voiced called out her name.
"Agatha!" Sophie called out, "come sit over here." sophie patted and empty seat next to her. Agatha reluctantly walks over to Sophie's table.
"Well are you going to sit or are you just going to stand there." Agatha takes a seat. Sophie and Agatha begin to talk about how they have been doing an other details about their lives when a voice interrupted them.
"What is she doing here Sophie." Agatha looked up to where the voice came from.
"Oh hey Beatrix, this is my old friend Agatha. She is new here."
"Sophie that's the girl that I told you that spilled coffee all over me!" Beatrix whined.
"I'm sure Aggie didn't mean to do that."
"I didn't and I'm really sorry it's just that I was distracted."
"Humph." Was all Beatrix said before she sat down. The girl didn't say anything but if looks could kill Agatha would have been 6 feet under a long time ago. Agatha tried her hardest not to look at anyone but Sophie because she was sure people were staring at her. Lunch passes with only a few snarky comments from Beatrix. The rest of the day went by fine. Agatha was waiting in the quad when she got a message from her mom (hey honey, I won't be able to pick you up until later, you can either walk home or wait for me a while. Send me a message when you decide what you want to do.)
"Ugh, I guess i'm walking home." Agatha told herself. She quickly sent a message to her mom telling her that she would walk home.
"What are you still doing here?" A voice came from behind her. She turned around to see Tedros.
"My mom just texted me saying he can't pick me up so I have to walk home, and I still haven't memorized all the streets so I was waiting for the GPS to load but I dont have signal here." Agatha groaned.
"What street do you live on?" Agatha pulled up her messages to see the address her mom sent her.
"Um, I live on crown avenue, why are you asking?"
"I was thinking I could help you get there, and everything worked out because I also live on that street."
"Wait, are you the new family that moved into Nicholas' old house?" Tedros asked
"Um, I don't know who that is but I think so." Agatha shrugged.
"So, do you want me to walk you there are you going to stay and wait for that thing to load." He pointed to her phone which was still loading.
"I guess i'll take up your offer because by the time this thing loads it will already be night time."
They left the campus and started their way up a small hill. Agatha tried her best to remember what streets they passed by but she couldn't focus over all laughing. She and Tedros had spent the entire walk to their houses talking about their fandoms. It turns out they had a lot more in common than what it seemed like. They were both part of many of the same fandoms. It turned out that Tedros was a bigger fangirl than people would assume. The walk home seemed relatively short, but it turned out that it was almost 20 minutes long. They said their goodbyes, and went into their houses. Agatha got started on her homework but she couldn't keep her mind off of Tedros. She knew she shouldn't be thinking about him because he was dating her best friend but her mind didn't listen. Little did she know that in the house next to hers, the blonde boy was thinking the same thing.

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