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Agatha woke up to the sound of her alarm. She groaned and begrudgingly got up and out of bed. She opened her blinds and shielded her eyes from the rising sun. She grabbed her phone and checked the time, it was 6:34am. She walked over to her closet and pulled out some clothes. She would usually pick out her clothes the night before but it seemed like she had fallen asleep during last nights movie. She didn't know when Tedros left. She was still in her clothes from last night. Tedros hadn't taken back his jacket either. She changed into her new clothes which consisted of a white and yellow crop top, high waisted jeans, and Tedros' letterman jacket. She pulled on her white high top converse and walked down the stairs. It was Friday so her mom was driving her to school since Callis didn't work until later in the morning. She sat down on the couch and started scrolling through Instagram when she got a text.

Satan's Spawn to Fuckers❤️

Satan's spawn😈: Don't forget that I'm picking you hoes up after school
Keeks🌸: how could I forget. We're going to the mall!
Rat girl🐀: that's only cuz you won the bet
Nickels📚: come on we won fair and square
Easter Bunny🍫: why do you want to go to the mall anyways
Nickels📚: because there's a Barnes and nobles there and I want to buy some new books
Satan's spawn😈: ugh nerd
Keeks🌸: leave her alone. It's not her fault she's a nerd
Asshole✨: 😂😂😂
Satan's spawn😈: oh so now you're active
Asshole✨: I'm sorry but you guys were all texting so quick
Easter bunny🍫: that's because there are 6 of us and each one has something to say
Nickels📚: lol
Keeks🌸: I got to go gonna be late if I keep texting you hoes
Asshole✨: oof same, bye bitches
Satan's spawn😈: bye losers
Easter bunny🍫: adiós
Rat girl🐀: 👋
(I know the names are weird but everyone has dumb names for their friends in group chats)
Satan's Spawn ~ Hester (devil tattoo - also what I call my friend)
Rat girl ~ Anadil (her 3 rats)
Keeks ~ Kiko (what my friend called her once)
Nickels ~ Nicola (my other friend thought that was her name)
Easter Bunny ~ Dot (love for chocolate)
Asshole ~ Agatha(courtesy of my friend. It's what she calls me and I relate to Agatha)

Ready to go? Callis grabbed her keys from the wall.
"Coming!" Agatha grabbed her backpack off the floor and headed out the door. The drive to school was filled with the usual boredom and the same questions her mom always asked. How's school? Good. Did you do your homework? Yes. Any tests? Nope. See you later, bye. Agatha stepped out into the school parking lot. She saw the girls hanging out near the school entrance and walked to them.
"Hola chica" was what she was greeted with by Dot.
"I see Spanish 2 is working out for you."
"De nada mi amiga"
"Love this conversation but if we don't vámonos we're gonna be late" Hester said before taking her girlfriend's hand and walking into the school. The rest of them followed each discussing their plans for the hangout after school.

*•timeskip after school bc who cares about a fictional characters schedule•*

The final bell had just rung. Agatha, Kiko, Hester, and Nicola all had 6th period together. The four met outside the classroom door. "Y'all ready?" Nicola asked as they walked over to their lockers. "Yeah let me just grab my stuff." Kiko opened her locker and pulled out the textbooks she needed. "I'm ready let me just go give Tedros back his jacket. I also need to tell him that I'm not gonna be home for a while."
"What it's like to be young and in love" Hester sighed sarcastically.
"You're one to talk. Remember how you were when you and Anadil first started dating."
"Shut up, that's different"
"Come on, let's go" They walked out to meet Anadil and Dot in the parking lot. Agatha left the group and walked over the field where Tedros was practicing. She saw his blonde head of hair glinting in the sunlight. She was about to cross the field when she saw an unforgettable sight, suddenly the one head oof blonde hair became 2. Agatha's eyes went wide. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. How could he. Agatha's vision became blurry. She saw the two sets of lips departing. Tedros turned to see her after Beatrix had whispered something in his ear. He tried to chase after her but Agatha just ran. She had forgotten about giving him his jacket. She couldn't think of anything other than just running. She pushed past her friends. Hester grabbed her by the arm.
"Honey are you ok?" Kiko asked. Agatha couldn't speak. All her words became a jumbled mess.
"I- I- Ted-ros" Agatha broke down in sobs.
"That son of a bitch! What did he do?"
"He- he"
"He what?"
"What did that minx do this time?" Dot asked as she and Anadil walked over to the group.
"Kissed" Agatha said as more tears came rolling down her face.
"I swear I will kill both of them!" Hester stated, letting go of a sobbing Agatha.
The group saw the blonde boy running towards them. Hester was going to say something, when Agatha stopped her.
"No, let's just go." The girls speedily walked over to Hester's car. They all got in peacefully except for Hester's death glare at the blue eyed boy. They engine reved as the boys figure got smaller and smaller. Agatha had gone silent. She was held in a tight embrace by Kiko. No sobs, no words, just silence and mediocre comfort. They were all conflicted. On one hand, they knew Agatha was strong, but they also knew that she had never been like this before. Hester's car parked outside Agatha's house.
"I thought we were going to the mall."
"Change of plans. We're having a girls night in."
"You don't have to do that. I don't want to ruin our day. You guys go ahead. I'll be fine."
"Stop, you need some friends around, and while we may not be the best, we do know how to knock a bitch out so we got solutions to all our problems."
Agatha smiled softly. The group of 6 unloaded from the car and headed inside. They all had their overnight bags because of the previously planned sleepover. Nicola turned on the tv and opened Netflix. All the girls changed into their comfy clothes and settled in for a long night. Kiko and Dot volunteered to make the snack while the others settled in. Agatha's was changing into her sweats when she realized she was still wearing Tedros' jacket. She took it off. She put it up to her nose. It still had a subtle hint of his minty scent. The memory of it all brought tears to Agatha's eyes. It had barely been a month and they were already over. All their small friendly moments flashed through her head. Their first walk home when their romance had started to blossom. The movie date where both of them were so awkward around one another. Their first dinner date where she had gotten drenched. Agatha's eyes began to water up. She was on the brink of tears when there was a knock on the closet door. Kiko walked in. "There's someone here to see you."
"If It's Tedros tell him I don't want to talk to him."
"Actually it's-" the closet door swung open and Sophie barged in. She hugged Agatha.
"What are you doing here?"
"I came here to apologize."
"Did you send Beatrix?"
"Oh god no. I know you hate me right now but do you seriously think I would do that?"
"To be completely honest I'm not even sure anymore."
"Well I am. I know I'm a bitch but trust me. I have boundaries. I would never want to hurt you or anyone for that matter. No one deserves to feel the way I made Tedros feel not so long ago."
"Yeah well apparently he thinks it's ok to make me feel like shit because of what you did."
"I know and I'm sorry. I told Beatrix to back off. Hell we're not even friends anymore. She is psychotic."
"Why should I believe you."
"Did you see what she posted about me and Hort."
"Bitch got mad because I didn't let her do what she wanted so she accused me of some horrible shit. I don't even want to talk about it right now."
"Hey, it's ok."
"No it's not. I came here to comfort you. Stop being such a good person and let me help you." Agatha laughed for the first time today.
"We're gonna have a girls night in. Wanna join?"
"Hell fucking yes, my sleepovers were awesome in middle school and they have only graced with time, like yours truly." Agatha giggled and grabbed Sophie's hand and led the blonde teen out to her room.
"Hey Thots, we got another person joining."
Hester raised her soda can to Sophie.
"Yay the blonde bitch is staying." She said sarcastically and took a sip.
"I've known Agatha longer so you can suck my-"
"cookies! Who wants a fresh chocolate chip cookie straight out of the oven?" Dot came into the room with a plate stacked with steaming chocolate chip cookies. Agatha took a seat on her bed as the snacks began to get passed around. She took a picture of the Netflix on the screen and all the buffet like snack setup on the foot of her bed. She posted it on her Instagram story "thankful for all these wonderful people" the rest of the night was kinda a blur. Agatha had momentarily forgotten about Tedros. She was happy and thankful for her friends until she heard a car engine rev outside. Her eyes were immediately drawn to the window. She knew it was Tedros. She had been in his car plenty of times to know what it sounded like. She heard the car door closing and she felt the weight of it all once more. Tears began forming in her eyes once more.
"Fuck! Why do we have to be watching this movie right now."
"Sixteen Candles? Sis you ok? This movie ain't sad."
"I'm sorry it's just that, we, me and a-and Tedros watched this on our last date. And now he's here and it's just slightly overwhelming."
"Honey, it's ok. We can change the movie." Kiko gave Agatha a hug as Nicola reached for the remote.
"But-but Jake Ryan!" Sophie exclaimed as Nicola changed the movie. All the girls laughed at Sophie and how her brain worked, but they couldn't blame her.( Jake Ryan is hot and y'all can @ me)
Tedros slammed the door as he entered his house.
"Honey are you ok?" Guinevere asked as she saw her sons distraught face.
"Yeah. I'm fine. Practice was just a little hard today."
"Oh, ok. Dinners ready if you want to eat something."
"No, I'm ok. I went out with the boys to grab some burgers." Tedros headed upstairs to his room. He lied. He hadn't eaten. He couldn't eat. No after what had happened. He felt like breaking down. He shut his room door behind him. He let himself fall to the floor. He sat propped up against his door. His knees were pulled to his chest and face was tucked into his knees. He felt like crying. All the emotions were waiting to be released. He felt the tears behind his eyes but they wouldn't come out. All he could do was think about the amazing girl he had lost because of a jealous brat. Why did this have to happen to him? What did he do to make the universe want to ruin him so badly? He closed his eyes and just breathed. There was so much he wanted to do. He wanted to call Agatha and explain everything. He wanted to climb out of his room and into Agatha's and just hold her in his arms. He wanted to go back in time to a place where their relationship was much easier. But he couldn't. He slowly stood up. He threw his equipment to the side. He went into the bathroom. He needed a shower. Not only to wash off the sweat but to wash out his soul and his mind. He stepped into the shower and felt the warm water hitting his face. Tedros closed his eyes and tried to relax. He tried to not focus on the fact that the only girl who he had ever felt a genuine connection had ran away from him because of a girl who he had no intention of being with. His heart began to race and the tears began to trickle down his face. The tears were washed away with the water. His heart hurt. Metaphorically and literally. He stepped out of the shower and changed into his pajamas. He got into bed and laid there. Staring at the dark ceiling in complete silence. Well mostly. He heard faint music. He sat up in his bed. His eyes were immediately drawn to the window in front of him. He got out from under his covers and walked over to the window. He peered through the closed blinds. He could see the girls in Agatha's room. At least their having fun Tedros walked back to his bed. He laid down once more. He tossed and turned but he couldn't sleep. He looked at his phone. It was 12:56am. His wallpaper stared back at him. It was a picture that he had taken of Agatha when she wasn't paying attention. She was whipping her hair out of her face with a book open in front of her. It was one of those uneventful days. They had been studying in the library when Agatha had gotten distracted. She had picked out a book and began reading after getting bored from studying the physics textbook in front of them. Tedros smiled sadly at the memory. There were so many little moments he wished he could get back. He set his phone down when the light from across shut off. I should probably go to bed too but he couldn't. He just laid in the dark once more. Just breathe was the only thing he told himself. It was almost like a mantra. He didn't think. He just breathed. Time passed by quickly. He felt like he was getting left behind. He felt lost. He heard a door creak and stood up. He headed to his window and looked out. He saw two black shadows in Agatha's backyard. The shadows embraced. He wanted to hear what they were saying. He knew that he should respect Agatha and give her space but he needed to know. He snuck out of his room quietly. He tiptoed down the stairs and out into his backyard. He could hear the muffled voices and sobs. Just hearing the faint sobs triggered his heart. He felt like jumping over the wooden fence and taking his princess into his arms and just holding her tight. But he couldn't. It was his fault she was crying. Those tears were because of him. He sat against the fence and just listened. He couldn't hear anything clearly. They were whispering. He just heard the sniffles and sobs. He could feel her break down and there was nothing he could do about it. He heard the girls go back into the house but he couldn't get up. He just sat against the wooden fence with a single tear glinting on his cheek. He got up and went back up into his room. He collapsed on his bed and sobbed silently. It pained his heart to see Agatha suffer. She was the most amazing, selfless, beautiful girl he had ever met and now she was a mess. All because of him. He cried himself to sleep knowing there was nothing he could do. He had to talk to her. He had to explain to her this mess. He had to hold her in his arms just one more time. But he couldn't. Not right now. She won't want to see me but I have to. I can't live my life knowing that she is distraught because of something I didn't intentionally do. I love her too much to see her like this. I love you, Agatha.

Sorry for the slight angst but trust me it's worth it
Thank you for reading. Hoped you liked it - vote and comment if I made you cry(probably not)
The chorus of the song inspired me for Tedros' part of the narrative.

It might not be that sad but the song is linked to grey's anatomy so it kinda makes me sad sometimes.

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