Ch.1 Secrets

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"I missed you." Were the only word that I could formulate out my mouth seeing Mitch again brought back feeling that I thought were gone. Mitch stared at me for second before smiling big I stepped back as she got out the car to give me the biggest hug I ever received not even Jordan and Khadijah acted this way when they saw me... Bitches.

I wrapped my arms around too and enjoyed the moment. I felt my black shirt start to get wet, I chuckled looking down at her she was still so short compared to me.

"Are you crying baby?" I asked even though I already knew the answer.

"No... Some- Something just in my eyes man... Shut the fuck up." She spoke sniffling I couldn't help but chuckle and bring her close to me god knows I could never stop loving this girl even if  I wanted...

"Whateverrr you say," I snickered then kissed her forehead was I forgetting something?

She finally let go of me shoving me in the process I barely moved but just to make her feel better I pretended to stumble a little, she rolled her eyes, smiling big.

"I missed you so fucking much though..."
6 Months Later

"... Kenya.... KENN-"

"THE FUCK DO YOU WANT?" I yelled snapping out of my flashback I glared at Andrea who jumped back. My jaw twitched a little as I closed my eyes trying to control my temper. Just being in the room with her for so long irked me.

"Who the fuck you think you talking too?" She got in my face, I chuckled as I envisioned myself grabbing her by the neck and squeezing, but instead I took I big breath then look at her.

"My bad I'll try to be calmer... The fuck do you want Andrea choose your words very wisely right now." I spoke calmly as glared her, she instantly backed down as I nodded.

Thought so.

"I was asking you a question." Andrea spoke softly I took a breath that's strike 1 I raise my eyebrow ready for her to finish when she didn't I felt my nostril flare up that strike 2.

"What was the question Andrea?" I asked through clenched teeth what was so important that she had  to snap me out something I was enjoying it wasn't hard believe me she ruined it. She fiddled with her fingers before finally looking at me, I cross my arm because I felt myself about to put my hands on her.

"I asked if you seen your family  yet?" 

"Yeah I saw my family... The fuck type of question-"

"No I'm talking about your mom and father." She interrupted me I closed my eyes I knew I shouldn't of told her about none them, I did something I couldn't for the life of me do when I was with Mitch, which made me realize I was complete ass to Mitch when she asked about my family.

"They either dead or dead to me."  An my mom and dad were defiantly dead to me the only thing I did was text then was that I was here, then keep it moving. I chuckled nothing was funny but I was 10 second from doing something I'd regret if I didn't leave. My brother I hadn't seen since, I seen him graduate middle school.

"No... Don't plan to either." Before I even let her get the chance to speak I left grabbing my phone and car keys I walk out the door left the cool night air hit my face instantly an I relaxed just a little bit.

I pulled out my phone I had to call before I just pulled up on I didn't want intrude if she was doing something.


I wasn't doing nothing just chilling I would hang with Jordan and Khadijah but they married and I'm not one to like the feeling of being the third will. I groaned I wish I wasn't so stuck on Kenya otherwise I would've been move on.

Do you not think so far ahead
Cause I been thinking
bout forever, ohhh or do you
Not think so far ahe-

"Hello?" I said quickly answered my phone hoping it was who I thought it was my hopes instantly got high when I heard chuckle.

"Hey, are you busy?" Kenya's voice sound like she was bothered but was trying to hide it from me, did she forget I know her well?

"No, I could never be too busy for you." I answered smiling, I heard grinning through the phone I could see her drop her head trynna hide from me it was good to know I still had that effect on her.

"So that means I can get away from this bitch by chilling with you right? No funny shit, I just need to get away from her before I do something I regret." Kenya said hopeful I rolled my eyes at the mention of her girl, she was annoying as fuck I'd know I met the bitch I had to pretend like Kenya wasn't my ex. We were just close friends that dinner went excellent for me. I remember crying so much after it was over that I almost had asthma attack.

"Uh...Mitchie you still here." I snapped out my  thoughts clearing my throat I answered her.

"Ye- yeah come over."

"Cool open the door." I got up to see that she was standing there by the door grinning I rolled my eyes opening my door.

"You couldn't just knock on the door like a normal person?" I asked playfully glaring at her, she shook her no looking at me with them enticing brown that made forget about everything.

"I wanted to hear your voice first."

Damn can she not be so cute, she killing me.

I thought to myself as she walked more into my house she went straight to living I follow slowly by the time I got there she was sitting on the couch watching tv I sat close to her but made sure I had a little space between us I wanted to see what she'd do.



I knew what the little space Mitch gave was for I  just acted like it wasn't there as we watched tv any giving chance I looked at her from my peripheral just to see what she was doing.  I chuckle lowly I was still slightly irritated but I guess I could losing up scooting closer to her I brought her into my arms without a second thought.

"Confession time and you take it however you too. But I got to get it of my chest." Mitch spoke leaning more into me to get comfortable I took a sighed deeply.

Don't confess you still love me, please don't confess that you still love me.






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