Mind Protection

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Fanfic Bootcamp Rank: Captain
Word Count: 1051
Characters: Bill Cipher vs. Logic "Logan" Sanders
Bill Cipher couldn't get past initial entry into this human's mind. Usually it's a straight shot through to the memories in order to retrieve what he was summoned for. But now he could only glance to the mind beyond whatever shield was barring him from the one they called Thomas Sanders.

"I'm sorry, did you assume it would be easy?" Bill turned around to see a ... projection of the man he had just entered. But this person was different. Everything about him read like a businessmen; from the square shoulders and straight posture to the blue tie and black glasses. "Well, as the saying goes, to assume only makes an ass out of me and you."

"Well, look at that." Bill flew closer to the new challenger, trying to instill any sort of fear into him. The neutral expression remained on his face. "This human has got a resistance here. I say, Purple, you're quite a fighter. Cheers to you, kid."

"I'm sorry, but I am to believe you have mistaken me for someone else. I'm the Logical facet of Thomas Sanders. Or Logic for short." Logic straightened his tie and held out his hand. Bill ignored it. "It comes to my attention that you, unbeknownst to him, have entered his mind for the purpose of what, exactly?"

"Confidential, kid. Can't exactly tell you my client's plan for old Purple here. Take a screaming head as a sort of ... compensation." Bill made a man's head appear besides Logic, who seemed to remain completely neutral at the new object besides him.

"I'm sorry, was that supposed to instill a reaction. Because o can assure you that living with the other fallacies has allowed me to be adept for anything." Bill frowned and made the head disappear. He turned back toward the shield, which still remained as sturdy as ever. "Your understanding of two key facts is critical for this interaction to proceed smoothly. One of those is that there is no way I'm allowing you entry to what lays beyond the barrier."

"Alright kid, I give. Tell me ... what are you now?"

"I'm Logic, as I previously stated. I'm understanding and reason. I'm rationality and the pursuit of knowledge. I am what is known and curiosity for what is not yet known."

"I'm aware of that. I'm talking about Purple."

"I'm sorry. I did not realize you were familiar with Anxiety."

"No, not ... them. Man, it's like pulling teeth with you." Bill waved his hand and deer teeth appeared in front of Logic, who simply caught them in his hand. Logic closed it. "I'm talking about the person as a whole. What supernatural thing are you? Faerie, vampire, magician, shifter maybe?"

"I can assure you that Thomas is nothing more than human. Those creatures are nothing more than myths and creations of Creativity's fantasies." Bill watched in confusion as Logic opened his hand to reveal a pen instead of teeth. He clicked it on and off, twirling it in his fingers as he did so. "I would have assumed something as capable as you would be able to converse with accusations of such illusion but I am mistaken clearly."

"Listen here kid." Bill said, coming eye to eyes to Logic. "I am a demon. An all powerful demon who has the capability to conquer the entire universe, and I will not be demeaned by you. Now I have a job to do that involves this man's memories. I will not let you deter me from completing it."

"You do not belong here." Logic countered. "I believe the assertion that you are a demon. A demon that is invading and need to be dealt with. Now it is highly recommended that you leave. Leave Thomas's head and never return."

"Or what?" Bill laughed. "You know, you remind me of a certain Sixer. Such a tightly screwed on head unable to see a deal when placed right in front of your eyes."

"And what exactly are the terms you are proposing here, Mr. Cipher?"

"Bill Cipher if you please. Now, I suggest that if you help me than I will allow you to achieve what your heart desires." Bill's hand started to glow blue with flame as he extended toward Logic. "We have a deal?"

"I am not the heart; I am the logical reasoning. And you end of the deal would either not be fulfilled or be manipulated to suit your goals due to vague syntax. I'm afraid I'll have to decline your proposition." The flames disappeared as Bill backed off, planning his next move. "Besides, my purpose to decide what is best for Thomas is a direct conflict to your motives."

"Alright, I've tried playing nice demon." Bill said, turning back toward Logic. "Clearly some more ... drastic measures are in order." He flew toward Logic, and he emerged on the other side.

"Did the fact that I'm only one aspect of Thomas's personality allude you when you attempted to possess me?" Logic said as Bill began turn a more reddish shade. "I am not a real person, therefore I have nothing that allows you to take control."

"Fine. Let's see how Purple fairs without you." Bill grew in size, but Logic seemed unafraid. A laser shot out from his eye and blasted full force at Logic for a few good seconds. When the dust cleared, Logic was still standing with an umbrella in front of him.

"I doubt acting like a five year old who didn't get dessert will accomplish anything." Logic said as he raised the umbrella above of him. He clicked the bottom, and it transformed back into a pen. "And do try to keep in mind that you are on my home soil. I have the advantage in this situation."

"Alright, kid. You win; I concede. For this round." Bill said, shrinking back to his normal size and hue. "But understand that I will be back, and I will get what I want."

"I have no doubt you will return. Just hope you will as lucky as this time to encounter me. There are other sides to Thomas. Sides that will not hesitate to attack and manipulate in the name of self preservation."

"I look forward to the encounter." Bill smiled, and was gone as suddenly as he appeared.

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