6 .•* 911 *•.

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Chapter 6

~Note : I'm gonna keep the ages the same but even though everyone but Ty is quite a bit older than Kris, you must live with it and none of them are pervs. Yet.~

Chapter Warnings: Trigger warning right from the beginning. You can pretty much figure on what happens in the next few chapters, so don't put yourself at risk k xx

^Adam's POV^

As soon as Kris left, I went upstairs. Something was calling me to the bathroom. I was greeted by my old friend, the razor.

To be honest, I'm a grown man now. I shouldn't need to cut. After 6 years I should be able to not use a razor for whenever something went wrong. But it was still calling...

I picked it up and traced the blade around my skin. It felt good to be back. I started pushing the blade into my skin.

^Ty's POV^

After the incident downstairs, most of us eventually went back to our rooms and either started recording or tweeting or just simply surfing. I was about to call Bash up and ask if he wanted to do something when I realised I needed to go to the bathroom.

I stepped out the room (the bathroom was right next to it) and found it was locked. I knocked on the door.

"Are you gonna be long?"

Adam's voice weakly shouted out a no. I asked if he was okay, and he said he was fine. But I wasn't convinced.

"Adam, if you don't open the door right now I'll pick the lock."

No reply. I ran down to the kitchen and got a blunt knife. I then went back up and slot the knife into the place on the door that showed it was taken. I twisted the knife and the door opened. Adam was barely conscious, with a bloodstained arm and a razor neatly lying next to him. He was hunched in a corner sobbing a little.

I went to him and (gently) gave him a hug.

"It's gonna be ok. Just... stay awake, ok?"

It's funny. Adam is four years older than me, and he always is the most confident and superior. But I have never seen him like this. So now the tables have turned, and I'm the confident one, making sure everything is ok. I ask Ian to call 9-1-1 immediately, and I tell him that it's Adam and he's losing consciousness.

^Ian's POV^

So when I was being all happy and dandy and recording FTB with Lancey, my phone buzzes. I would ignore it, but a) it was from Ty, and b) it said call 9-1-1. So I asked Lancey to pause.

.•*Time Skip*•.

"Hello? My name is Ian. My friend Adam Dahlberg is losing consciousness. My address? Yes, it's..."

I am still wondering what could have happened to Adam. Maybe the cupboards were really packed tight and something heavy flew out. As soon as I had an ambulance coming over, I went to check on Ty and Adam. It didn't take long, because the first place I looked was in Ty's room. And seeing as the bathroom was right next to it, go figure. However, I did not expect to see Adam covered in blood and being softly hugged by Ty. He was sobbing lightly, and slowly growing quieter and weaker.

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