Chapter Four <3

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I walk out my bedroom to see Zach and Daniel being given a strict talk from Logan. I laugh a little as Zach finds me in the room and completely zones out Logan. I walk over to the door way where they're standing. "Logan calm down. I know I'm squeaky clean but you know these guys," I smile. "Fine but let me know what's happening so I won't think you're missing," Logan says. We head out the door with Katelynn and Daniel in front of us. "So how was the talk," I ask Zach. "I thought he was gonna kill me on the spot!" Zach laughs. "Well I'm glad I stopped it," I reply. "I never thought he would EVER be like that. All dad figure and everything. He just seems like more of a bachelor for the rest of his life kinda guy to be honest," Zach explains. We talk a lot on the way there. I learn about his family who sound pretty great and he learns about my life. We get to the skating place and get our skates. Katelynn and Daniel venture off somewhere leaving just me with Zach. "So have you ever skated before?" he asks as I finish putting the skates on. "I haven't skated since 8th grade so I'm a little rusty," I reply right before I fall on my butt. "You okay?" Zach laughs as he helps me up. "I told you!" I laugh. "I'm okay." We head to the rink and he helps me relearn everything. I was pretty embarrassed when I fell but it seems that he doesn't care. After skating around a few times we see Katelynn & Daniel being all lovey dovey and cute. "They're hitting it off," Zach observes.
"Yea. They're kinda cute."
"Cuter than us?"
"We'll see," I smile.
We head to the tables to get a pretzel. "So Zach. I think I'm not hating you anymore," I say.
"Oh really?"
I finish off my part of the pretzel as I notice Zach looking at me with a smirk.
"No seriously," I smile.
"You're uniquely beautiful. It's amazing,"
"Thank you. I think you're pretty cute yourself,"
We get up to go skating for Couples Skating. We hold each other's hands as we go around. Him skating backwards and me skating forwards so we can actually talk and hear each other. The dj starts to play the song Lights Down Low by MAX. One of my favorite songs. "Do you like this song?" Zach asks. "Yea. It's always stuck in my head," I reply. I start humming the song and soon Zach and I are singing it to each other. His voice is amazing and my voice probably sounds like a goat next to his but who cares. He's here. I'm here. There's nothing stopping us right now from having the best night. Couples Skating finishes up and we head back to our table where Katelynn and Daniel both sit. "Hey guys," I say as I sit next to Zach. "You two look like you're having fun," Daniel smiles. "We are," Zach says as he looks at me with a look that I thought I could only dream of. I lean on his shoulder and hold his hand. He's warm but not to warm and you can smell the slight scent of his cologne he probably sprayed before we got here. "Zach's gonna smash!" Katelynn laughs. "Shut up!" I reply. We stay at the skating rink until 11:00 pm then get in an Uber (I've never been to uvoo draveerr). Once we get in I grab a mint that the driver offers. "You know these remind me of my old Grandma," I say before I put it in my mouth. "Why?" Daniel laughs in confusion. "Because she always had a bag of these in her purse. Probably to get all the kids to shut up but the weird part was that she never ran out and I never ever saw her buy them. I was even with her for the whole summer," I explain. "Well maybe she orders them," Katelynn guesses. "Or maybe she has a dealer. Like she goes at at 3 am and finds the guy in an alley way," Zach jokes. We all laugh a little and finally we're at the house. We pay the driver and head to the door. "This is a pretty nice house," I say to Daniel and Zach. We head inside and go to the living room where Jack and Corbyn are playing Fortnite while Jonah's is having a live on his phone. We hang out a little and Zach teaches me how to play Fortnite since he found out I've never played. My phone goes off. It's Logan. I pick up the phone and head to the kitchen where Katelynn and Daniel are hanging out.
"Hey Logan. What's up?"
"Are you guys staying there or what?"
I take the phone down and look to Katelynn and Daniel. "Are we staying the night here?" I ask. "We have the news coming tomorrow morning so unless you wanna wake up really early I would suggest you stay at Logan's tonight," Daniel exclaims. I bring the phone back up to my ear.
"Could you pick us up by any chance so that we don't have to take another Uber?" I ask Logan.
"Yea sure. No problem. I'll be there in 30 minutes."
"Okay thanks."
I hang up the phone and head back over to the living room where Zach and Jack are now playing together. "Logan's picking us up in 30 mins," I say as I sit on the other side of Zach. Zach sets down the controller and turns to me. "Why do you have to go so soon," he pouts. "Don't do that to me," I laugh. "I do wanna stay but it's 2 am and you've got someone heading over here tomorrow morning." I say. "We do?" Zach asks Jack. "Yea. It's some small news company who wants a tour of the house and to talk with us," Jack explains. "Oh well I'm gonna miss you," Zach says as he puts his arm around my shoulder. I lean on his and soon fall asleep.

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