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Recon 1

Faizan Ahmad


It was just another day at office for astrophysicist Lenard Bratton, who for eight gruesome years pursued the same objective. Taking a seat in a black worn out leather office chair he sipped his morning coffee and took a quick glance at his watch, 4:21 A.M. Looking around him he was in awe of the laboratory even after years of service in it. A large dome that engulfed spotless steel super computers that encircled one of the world’s most advanced telescopes. He sat back lazily after he heard the buzz as the main super computer was being switched on. He looked through the data accumulated over night, and stood dead still as one piece of information caught his eye. After checking it, the meaning of the data came to him. It’s over, filled with delight as he handled the phone about to inform the command. Then something dawned on him, if this information went into the wrong hands it would mean the end to all of our chances of survival

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