In Which Pidge likes Babys and Haggar Knows

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I never really enjoyed baby's, but I got stuck on baby sitting duty while everyone was in a meeting. This shouldn't be to bad. I was a baby once. So what did I like as a kid? Toys. And sleeping, I guess. I looked over at Lance who was playing in the playpen filled with toys from 10,000 years ago. I looked at Lance's closet and see that most of the clothes is to small for him and were for girls. Alluras parents must have filled his closet with her clothes to. I went back to working on my laptop only to find lance crawling to me.

I looked to the playpen and saw nothing broken or and entrance/exit. "Lance, you can't crawl out of the playpen." I picked him up and stared at him. He grabbed onto my sleeve and started playing with it. I looked at my laptop and put it on the counter. I grabbed a bin filled with blocks from the closet and layed them out for me and lance to play with. He looked up at me with a pacifier in his mouth, hand outstretched to grab the red block in my hand. He had  green, black, and yellow structure in front of him. He put the other red blocks he had together and did the same with the blue blocks. He pointed at the green one and pointed at me.

I guess he was building the lions. Maybe he had a bit of his memories still. His pacifier fell out of his mouth, but didn't hit the floor, due to the blue ribbon connecting it to his onesie. He started crawling to the door and stood up to reach for the handle. I walked up to him and walked him back over for him to play with the blocks. Everytime he kept walking and crawling to the door. I picked him up and opened the door. I stood outside the door with Lance in my arms. He pointed down the hall. I heard footsteps approaching. I took out my Bayard to be prepared for whoever was their. Allura turned the corner with a lady. Shiro and Keith were next to her, walking along side, chatting in their own conversation.

Allura saw me and I put my Bayard away. She walked over to Lance, who was babbling while holding his arms out to her. She took him out of my arms and put his pacifier back in his mouth. She walked back over to the lady and said "Lady Mangolin, do you know how much longer he will be like this?" The lady held Lance and put a hand to his head. His eyes started glowing white and then shut. She looked to Allura, "Not much longer. In 4 to 5 days, he should be back to normal by then." She held Lance a little closer to her. Something didn't settle with me. "Excuse me, why did Lances eyes turn white." She looked over at me. Her eyes turned a light yellow. She's a Galra. I had my hand to the side to get my Bayard. What Galra? Think, think, think! "Shiro, who turned Lance into a baby?" I yelled at him.

"Haggar, why?" That's it. "Haggar, let Lance go!"

"Pidge don't make such accusations!" Allura yelled. She turned to see a purple light. Haggar was standing where the woman was. Shiro and Keith had their Bayard out and were ready to fight. I looked to see Lance. His chest wasn't moving. "Guys, something's wrong with Lance!" Keith ran up to Haggar about to slash her back but she moved to the side. Shiro grabbed Lance form her hands when she didn't notice him. He took off to find Coran. Haggar looked mad but she disappeared after Shiro was out of site with Lance. We all ran to see Coran putting lance in a special healing pod for babies. It's like a crib and padded but it also had the properties of a healing pod.

The pod was trying to get Lance breathing again. It wasn't working. Shiro opened the pod and put his head to his chest. He started doing compressions on Lance. Lance started crying as Shiro stopped compressions. He had valve mask to help Lance get air into his lungs. I was surprised they had one all the way out in space. Lance was asleep but breathing. We kept him in the pod just in case. "Haggar knows now." Shiro said. We looked over at him with his face in his hands. This makes us an even bigger target. Everyone but Shiro, Allura, and I left the room. I got up and looked into Lance's pod. Shiro told everyone to go to bed early so we can see Lance in the morning. I drifted off, knowing Lance was okay and I'll see him in the morning.

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