Time, Please Stop

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Before I leave the Pit, I take a glance around at all the Gladiators; it'll be the last time I will see them. At least I hope so. Bear saunters up to me. "Whatcha lookin' at, Arrow?"

"I'm just looking at the Gladiators."

"Seeing the weakest links? The easy prey?"

"No, just simply looking."

"I don't believe you." Bear frowns at me and narrows his icy eyes.

"Then don't. What use would I have lying? The fate of this Wasteland battle has already been set." I don't feel like arguing with Bear.

"Has it? I'm sure you could come up with an awfully long list of reasons to lie." The hulking beast licks his lips as tilts his head to one side.

"Arrow, Joshua Spark has asked to see you." A Wasteland guard walks up to me at a brisk pace, ignoring Bear and coming between us to look me right in the eye.

"What a shame, I was going to talk to AR in a minute or two, but I guess that'll have to wait." I sigh and shrug before following the Wasteland guard through the corridors until we come upon Joshua Spark's door. What I don't fail to notice is the flicker of something unknown to me that briefly is visible in the Wasteland guard's eyes. Exactly what it is, I am unsure of.

The Wasteland guard gestures for me to enter. I nudge open the door to find Joshua's long, wooden desk and him seated behind it. The door closes behind me. "Ah, Arrow. Welcome. Please, have a seat." Joshua sits up and rests his forearms on the desk. A pen rolls across the flat surface before being caught.

"I'd rather stand." I don't ask if it's alright, I don't care enough right now. He can force me to sit if he wishes.

"Very well."

"Why am I here?" I'd really rather be in my cave, as Lily of course, and sleeping or just laying there. After possible talking with AR for a bit, I was going to head to my cave for a bit before the Wasteland battle. Try to get myself completely ready for my escape with Jay and Hawk. "Arrow, Arrow, so many questions." Joshua clucks his tongue and raises an eyebrow.

"Wait, I've asked one question." I sigh.

"No, no, silly Gladiator. During your ten years, well, just over ten but that's beside the point, you have asked approximately fo-."

"Yeah, I've got it. I've asked lots of questions. That's the only way you learn. Please just tell me why I am here, and then I'll be on my way once everything is completed. I've got some more t-."

"Training? Wow, what a dedicated Gladiator you are. Very well. I was wondering what you thought of the new changes at the Wasteland."

"Umm... I guess they're cool?" You cannot exactly tell someone who works at the Wasteland that you hate everything about it. That wouldn't go over very well.

"Wonderful! What do you really think. Tell me, Gladiator." Joshua fixes me in my spot with a hard glare. His eyebrows furrow as his eyes narrow.

"Well, Joshua Spark, I cannot say. The changes haven't been around long enough for me to say with a hundred percent certainty."

"Very well, I will ask you in a few weeks what you think. Ok?"

"Yeah. Is that all?"


"What else do you need, Joshua?" What else could he possibly want?

"I have noticed that you have appeared distant lately. Why is that?"

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