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The room, which is absolutely ginormous, is packed with Wasteland guards and what seems to be all of T-LOOT-D. Sasha's across the room, fending off three Wasteland guards while Vladimir slices his way through foe after foe. Blood is splattered across the ground, turning the room into a sea of red. Shouts echo off the walls as weapons clash in sharp rings. Sarah, the Click 2.0, and Rex stay close behind me. How has no one recognized me? I quickly recognize the Wasteland guard Jay is fighting as Blade. "Jay!" I cry, louder this time. He turns to me, and his jaw drops. Then he breaks into a run, forgetting his opponent. He's in front of me in an instant. I pull my brother in for a hug. My arms almost crush him as tears continue to leak from my eyes. "It's really you, Hawk. I-I can't believe it." Jay pulls back and smiles.

"Yeah, it is."

"I'm sorry I didn't get you sooner." He pulls me back in.

"It's alright."

"But I should've gotten here sooner. It was too long. I was so worried. I thought I'd lost you. Don't ever let this happen again."

"He's escaped! Hawk is on the loose!" A Wasteland guard bursts through the same door I'd gone through a few minutes before. I curse as I duck behind Jay. A dagger suddenly appears in my brother's hand. "Follow me, Hawk. We can't stay and fight- this was purely a rescue mission."

"Sounds good. Which way?"

"We're heading out... Who's behind you?"

"Oh, that's Sarah. The partially robotic dragon is one of Guthrie Harper's Click 2.0s. And that's Rex. He's my Blended form," I quickly add on to what I said when Jay gives me a quizzical look, "Long story- I'll tell you when we get back home."

"So are they coming with us?" His other question, one he didn't voice, is whether or not they could be trusted.

"Whaddaya think?" I turn to Sarah.


"You'll be kept under close watch, and we won't hesitate to terminate you." Jay fixes her with an icy glare. Terminate... Harsh, but I get it.

"Alright, then," Sarah says as she nods.

Jay slices through a Wasteland guard's throat, and pulls me into motion. Sarah and Rex run beside me as I chase after my brother. A hand wraps around my arm, yanking and whirling me around. It's followed by a punch to the side of my face. I stumble back, my head spinning as dizziness takes over. The next blow catches me in the stomach, causing me to hunch over and gasp for breath. The salty tang of rust fills my mouth when my opponent shoves me sprawling on my back. But then I wrap my foot around his leg, and send him falling to the ground. Before I can launch an attack of my own, Rex leaps onto the Wasteland guard and sinks his teeth into his throat. Blood flows freely from the wound, and he's gone. "Thanks, buddy." I run a hand through my hair as I sigh in relief.

We start off once more, sticking towards the side of the room. I can tell Jay wants to be going much faster, but I can't keep up- I'm just so tired. About half of the strength that was building up has been used up, and I'm not sure how much longer we have to go. Sarah and the Click 2.0 trail Rex, Jay, and I by a few feet. "Do you think she knows Raydowninese?" Jay asks.



"Dunno." I look over my shoulder towards her.

"Googly eyes," Jay sings. I shoot him a death glare. Where'd he get that from?

"Not true. Googly eyes for Lily?" I smirk as Jay returns the death glare.

"Who's Lily?" Sarah asks as she quickens her pace to catch up. The Click 2.0 moves a little faster.

"She's a friend of ours," Jay replies slowly.

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