Part 4

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It's been a week since I've moved to LA. It's been pretty good so far. I woke up, got ready and went to eat breakfast. My dad and I went to the Why Don't We house as usual but today my brother didn't come with us. When we arrived I stayed at their pool until they were finished. When they were done I saw my dad was leaving, so I waved goodbye. The guys joined me at the pool and we went swimming for a while.
Me: Are you guys busy later today?
Zach: Yeah I'm actually busy today.
Corbyn, Daniel, Jonah: Yeah same.
Jack: Hey I'm not busy, we can hang out together.
Me: Sounds fun.
To be honest I think that Jack is pretty cute so I'm not mad that I'm going to hang out alone with him.
Me: So Jack where are we going?
Jack: How about we go to the mall?
Me: You're the first guy to say that to me and I like it.
Jack: Hahahah anything for you.
Zach's P.O.V
Wait, were they flirting? Hmm I don't like that.
My P.O.V
Jack went up stairs to change.
Me: Where is the bathroom?
Daniel: Upstairs, first door.
I went upstairs and there was two doors. I didn't know which one it was so I decided to go to the one at the left. I opened the door and saw Jack changing.
Me: Oh I'm so sorry. I thought it was the bathroom.
Well that was akward, but he didn't seem mad or embarrassed, so that's good. After a while we both finished upstairs. We went out the door, said goodbye and left.
Me: Sorry about earlier.
Jack: You don't have to apologize. I don't really mind.
Me: Oh ok.
We arrived there and he took me to a couple of stores. We bought some stuff and it was so much fun. We stayed there till 4:30 pm. We went back home. I invited him at my house since he didn't have anything to do. We just played a few video games and after about an hour he left.
Then I got a call from Zach.
Zach: Hey
Me: Hi
Zach: So do you want to hang out?
Me: I would love to, but it's kinda late for me and my parents wouldn't be happy with me staying alone with a guy.
Zach: Oh well that sucks.
Me: Yeah...
Zach: Wait, I got an idea. What if I sneak in your house threw your balcony.
Me: That's a bit dangerous, but I say you try it.
After less than half an hour I heard a knock on the balcony door. I opened it and it was Zach.
Me: Wow you came here fast!
Zach: Yeah I know right?
Me: So what do you want to do?
Zach: Hmm I don't know.
Me: What if we play a board game?
Zach: Sounds fun.
We played a board game and I won. After that we ended up talking. Then we both were leaning in for a kiss, but before we could kiss, my door opened and It was Alex.
Alex: Wait, what is Zach doing here, and most importantly what in the world do you think you were doing?
Me: Do you know how to knock?
Alex: Answer my question now!
Me: It's none of your business.
Alex: Well I guess you would rather want it to be mom and dads business than my business.
Me: Alex don't you dare tell them! Please don't! I promise you this will never happen again.
Alex: It better not. And you better keep your lips away from my sister.
Zach: Won't happen again. I guess I'll leave now. Bye.
Me: Bye.
He left out of the balcony. Why did my brother have to interrupt at the worst moment. He is so overprotective. It was just a kiss nothing more. Im so mad at him. Then I went downstairs to eat dinner. I was really quiet and my parents noticed.
Mom: You're awfully quiet. What's wrong?
Me: Oh nothing much, I guess I'm just tired.
We finished dinner and I went upstairs. I went to bed pretty early cause it was a long day.
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