Chapter 8

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"There's an art festival nearby. Wanna go?" (y/n) asked.

I nodded. "Sure. We can do that."

We started walking in the direction of the festival. "I'm just... supposed to write an article about it, but Rhys and I always went together and wrote the articles together and took the social media photos together. All of our work stuff was together." She looked at the ground.

I looked at her and frowned. "I'm sorry."

"No, don't be. You're the one who's actually here after all."

"Yes, but I'm not your coworker."

She nodded. "I know. But you keep me company."

I gave her a small reassuring smile. "I'm glad that I can be of some assistance."

She smiled back.

We made our way to the festival and walked down the street with tents lining the sides. We would occasionally stop at some of them to look at paintings, photos, and ceramic pieces. We stopped at one of the food trucks so that (y/n) could get something to eat. She would sometimes grab my hand and drag me to something that caught her eye, and sometimes she would forget to let go, but I enjoyed it. I wondered if she did that with everyone she spent time with.

~Time Skip~

The drizzle that had been going on for several minutes quickly turned into a downpour. I looked over at (y/n) who was giggling as the rain her skin. Her hair was already soaked. I quickly took off my jacket and held it over her head to shield her from the rain. She looked up at me and smiled. "Connor, your shirt is going to get all wet."

"I don't want you to get a cold."

"I'll be fine! I like the rain. It's refreshing. Now put your jacket back on."

I shook my head.

She put her arm around my sides and pulled me closer to her. "Then you get under the jacket, too."

As I looked down at her, I was startled at how close we were. I felt my thirium pump quicken again. A drop of water fell from my loose strand of hair and onto her cheekbone. "I-I'm sorry."

She giggled and wiped the drop from her cheek. "It's fine." She reached up to touch the strand and squeezed the water from it. I just stared at her as she did so, admiring every movement on her face. The way her eyes sparkled, how her teeth lightly grazed her lips as they curved into a smile, the rainwater streaming down her face, catching light from the street lamps nearby and falling from her nose and jaw. Her eyes suddenly snapped to meet mine, startling me again. "What's wrong, Connor?"

I quickly shook my head. "N-nothing. I was just..." I paused and took a breath. "We should get you home."

She nodded. "Yeah, might be best."

We quickly walked to her house, her shoulder gently touching my chest the entire way there.

She unlocked the door, and we ran in, being greeted by Pippin. (y/n) turned to me. "I can throw that in the dryer for you." I handed her the jacket. "You should stay here until the rain lets up."

"If you insist." I removed my shoes and loosened my soaking wet tie to keep it from dripping on the floor.

She looked me up and down and pursed her lips. "I can try to find some extra clothes for you. Maybe Rhys left some stuff here. You guys are pretty similar in size, I think."

I narrowed my eyes and parted my lips, feeling a wave of... something... something unpleasant wash over me. "Were you and Rhys... romantically involved?" I almost immediately felt stupid for asking, since (y/n) was a human and Rhys an android. 

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