Chapter 21

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(A/N: This one is a little bit graphic at the end of the 3rd person POV. I don't think it's that bad, but a friend of mine suggested put a small warning, soooo... You have been warned.)

3rd Person

The android makes his way to the factory, but it feels like he is being followed. He looks back and scans the area every once in awhile, never finding anyone. The voice continues to nag at him. Find them. Kill them.

"Shut up," he whispers to himself.

Why? You'd miss me. The voice taunts him.

"I said, shut up," he says slightly louder.

I'm all you have.

"Stop it!" He almost yells, stopping in his tracks.

You don't have any friends. Not even (y/n).

"Please, stop!" he yells into the night.

If she cared, she would've come looking for you, but she didn't!

"SHUT UP!" the android screams out of anger and misery. He collapses to his knees and holds himself. He lowers his voice back to a whisper. "She does care... I know she does. She was my friend."

A soft voice comes from behind the android. "Excuse me sir, are you alright?"

He trembles as tears prick his eyes. "No..." he mumbles under his breath.

"Would you like some help?" He hears the steps come closer.

Kill her.

"I won't."

The footsteps stop. "Pardon?"

Kill her.

"You should leave," he warns.

"Sir, I'm just trying to help."

Kill her! The android flinches at the voice's demands, and he pushes his hands on his head in a desperate attempt to make it stop. I said, kill her!

"Please, let me take you to the hospital." Her voice seems to shake. When he feels a light touch on his shoulder, he immediately pulls his gun and turns to point it at the woman. She wears a blue uniform and a Lansing Police Department badge. She puts her hands up next to her head. "Sir, don't do anything you'll regret."

She's a police officer, you can't let her live. She'll turn you in. The android begins to listen to the voice. Maybe it's right?

I have to kill her. He thinks to himself.

The police officer takes advantage of his distraction, pulls her gun out and shoots him in the leg. She only just realized that he is an android, do to the blue blood that starts spilling from his leg. The android screams, letting the voice take over, and shoots the woman in the shoulder before attacking her.

After struggling for awhile, the android's strength shows its superiority to the human's as he pins her beneath his foot and her gun slides away from her hand. She claws at his ankle as blue and red blood seeps into her clothes. Do it. Kill her. The voice said.

The android hesitates. What are you waiting for? Kill her!

The android squeezes his eyes shut and pulls the trigger, sending a bullet through the woman's skull, killing her instantly. The android hesitantly opens his eyes, feeling a wave of guilt rush over him. "She wanted to help," he mumbles.

No, she wanted to arrest you. After what you've done, you would've been destroyed.

"Maybe you're right." He stows his gun away and disappears from the scene.

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