I play guitar but shes a drummer?

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A/N I honestly hate any book I've written in the past except my recent one I was 13 and struggling but I'm 16 now still struggling but at least I can write lmao. this shit about to get serious cuz i just got on my fucking laptop. this book is gonna be in calums pov until i say it's not.

Calum's pov

thankfully we found the other two idiots lets just say they weren't being holy...

"my virgin eyes I can't unsee that!" Michael fake sobs into my shoulder. Ashton scoffs "like you're a virgin you're the biggest sinner of them all ." he grumbles as he plays with Luke's fingers admiring the shiny nail polish. Luke blushes and pulls his hand away making ash frown. we always tease each other but we are not judgmental at all we love lukey with all of our hearts he's just a bit shy showing off his femininity since society thinks being a dude is being tough and manly but Lucas is a small five year old trapped in a 6'2 body.

"guys we should head to the main stage so were there in time." I said sternly like a mother i swear I'm baby sitting giant babies. "hey I'm daddy only i can boss people around!" ash exclaims throwing his hands into the air. "Calum down daddy " Luke says without realizing causing Michael to burst out laughing. "jesus christ Luke what have the fans done to my sweet innocent boy."ash gasped and cupped luke's face into his hands. "all I'm saying is don't look up daddy ashton on Tumblr its... scary" Luke frowns and gives me a horrified look. i shook my head and then looked at him. "wait you have a Tumblr ...ew i don't wanna know dirty hemmo."i scrunched my face and headed for the door. "come on guys lets hold hands!" Michael squealed and jumped around following close behind.

3rd pov

when they arrived at the stage they plugged their ear pieces and grabbed their instruments. except for ashton he just held his drum sticks and twirled them. cal looked at the band currently playing they're really good.

(i love as it is so)

(so in this the character is patty's sibling so yeah enough of me sharing my obsession these songs are really important to the story)

" should we be worried they're really hardcore." Luke said nervously biting his lip. "impossible were punk rock the crowd will love us" Michael joked to lighten the mood. thats when Calum look over at the drummer and saw the familiar colored hair. it was her the girl he bumped into earlier. he watched her in amazement as she was lost in her own world while playing. as the final song reached its end the crowd cheered and the singer thanked the amazing crowd before them. "thank you guys were as it is we'll be doing a signing at our tent at 6pm hope to see you guys there!"

she stood and walked over to center stage throwing the sticks she used during the show to the adoring fans. one girl in the front row caught it and jumped in excitement. she winked at her and the girl squealed gripping onto the drumstick for dear life. Calum frowned " oh she's a lesbian" ash giggled and patted his back " don't worry man theres plenty of fish in the sea"

she walked off stage brushing past Calum. "don't make assumptions about me without knowing the facts"she smirked and walked off leaving calms mouth wide-open.

a/n was trying to written 3rd pov but it turned into cals basically and I'm too lazy change it lolllll.

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