What's a twink?

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a/n i was gonna publish this book once i had more chapters cuz i suck at updating but i really like this idea and y'all are not ready!

I can't believe the support the new album is getting. Its a more alternative approach and I'm hoping it can impress the drummer from as it is. I look over at her laughing and joking around with her bandmates. 

Michael frowns and punches calum in there arm. "dude what the hell." he pouts and rubs his arm. "well maybe if you spent less time staring at people and more time paying attention to me you wouldn't be punched now would you?" Michael smirks and Calum shakes his head in disapproval. he's got a point but he'd never tell Michael that. he'll go into fully cocky mode and once Michael is on his high horse theres no way of getting him down. 

"guys ash is being mean" Luke pouts at as if were supposed to help him. "okay and??" i question shaking my head. " fine don't expect me to come in your defense when you're being bullied by the guys." Luke rolls his eyes and continues eating his tacos. "

hey isn't that drummer chick your crush or something?" ash says with a smirk. "yeah why?" i look at him getting suspicious. he raises his glass to his mouth before saying "oh nothing she's just walking over here." my eyes go wide and i look behind me to see her walking this way.

" hey do you guys have hot sauce?" she asked nicely smiling at me. "y-yeah here."i said and shoved the bottle of hot sauce against her chest making her oof. "jesus christ dude i wanted hot sauce not a beating." she rolled her eyes and went back to her table.

i groaned and buried my face in my hands. " nice going cal maybe if you hit her hard enough she'll give you her number." Luke said smugly and laughed. my head shot up " thats not what i meant to do you ass hat" i pouted. "at least you sorta felt her chest right "
Mikey said cheerfully trying to lighten the mood. " Luke tell him to stop he only listens to you." i said whining i hate when they bully me. " no can do i told you I'm not helping you " he huffed and crossed his arms on his chest.

" she sorta looks like a twink." ashton said shrugging and ate his burger. " whats a twink ?" i asked cautiously i know what this man has knowledge of I've seen his history. " well if you look at Lucas over here." he said gesturing to Luke making him look at ash with a defensive look. "hey no offense babe but you are a twink." he said chuckling. " I'm still confused what does it mean." I'm really gonna smack him across the face he always makes everything about Luke.

"cal its gay skinny dude like Lukey over here." he says laughing as Luke pouts and  angrily biting his taco. i look over at the As It Is table looking at them. ash is stupid he doesn't know what he's talking about.

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