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____[Week 6]____

Me: Hey.

YoonFag: And Just when I thought you would finally leave me alone and had finally stopped being a desperate bothersome woman.

Me: I finally thought that you
wouldn't instantly respond
every time I sent a text.

YoonFag: What do you want?
YoonFag: Nevermind. I just realized I don't give a shit.

Me: HeCc! Don't be
such a biotech!
Me: bich*
Me: Why does this
only happen when I text you!

YoonFag: It's probably a sign.

Me: Wot?
Me: A sign for what?

YoonFag: A sign warning you bad things are going to happen if you don't delete my number.

Me: BrUh.
Me: Are you a wizard?
Me: a wizard trying to warn
me of my misfortune?
Me: Are you...
Me: Harry Potter?

YoonFag: JFC can you please leave me alone?

Me: No.
Me: I still haven't told you
why I started texting you.

YoonFag: And if I remember clearly.
YoonFag: I said I don't give a shit.

Me: Well. I don't give a shit
that you don't give a shit!

YoonFag: Fine.

Me: oof
Me: Really?

YoonFag: No.

Me: ...
Me: because you
know what?

YoonFag: I honestly don't want to know "what" is.

Me: You're going to listen to my problems rather you like it or not!

YoonFag: Fine. Please do tell me about your useless problems that I could careless about.

Me: I accidentally shut the kitchen cabinet door on my fingers and I think I need an ambulance!!!

YoonFag: You seem perfectly fine.

Me: How SO! You
can't even see me!

YoonFag: You're using them to text me and they seem to be working perfectly fine.
YoonFag: Unfortunately.

Me: excUSE ME?

YoonFag: You're excused.

Me: Can you at least feel
the slightest pity for me?!
Me: What if I was seriously hurt?

YoonFag: If you want the honest truth.
YoonFag: I do feel pity.

Me: Really?

YoonFag: For myself.
YoonFag: Because I have to deal with your complaining.

Me: Of course you do.
Me: Because you don't care
about no one but yourself.
Me: You're such a selfish person.
Me: Thanks for making me realize it sooner.
[Seen at 7:01 PM]

____[Week 8]____

Me: Look I'm sorry about
what I said 2 weeks ago...
[Seen at 9:24 AM]

Me: Yoongi?
[Seen at 9:32 AM]

Me: Helllllloooo?
[Seen at 9:33 AM]

Me: please answer me!
[Seen at 9:34 AM]

Me: I'm truly sorry! It was wrong
of me to assume you're selfish!
[Seen at 9:35 AM]


YoonFag is Typing...

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