.:Chapter 2:.

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~Time Skip to Gym Class~

       Your gym teacher told you and your whole class to take off your book bags and any accessories you had on. Everyone did so, but Tommy looked hesitant. You cocked an eyebrow in confusion. He looked extremely worried to take off his watch and book bag. "(Y/n)! Tommy! Come on! We're gonna be late!" Lola exclaimed as she dashed out the room.

       "Let's go," you told Tommy and he nodded. You followed after Lola with Tommy following you. As you and Tommy reached the rest of the class, the gym teacher was explaining the rules of the activity.

       "Alright class, we have two ropes here," she motions to the two dangling ropes, "whoever reaches the top wins. I will allow you all to pick your opponent," at that point, everyone started to pick their friends. After everyone was picked, it was only you and the most-athletic kid in your class. "Okay, who wants to go first?" the gym teacher asked. Everyone dashed to the bleachers and you and your opponent were the only ones in the field.

       'Dang it.' you thought. You and your opponent rushed to your ropes. "Ready?" the gym teacher put her whistle near her mouth. "GO!" the sound of the whistle made you jump. Your opponent was already climbing. You growled and also started to climb. You were struggling a bit, but kept moving forward. You looked over to your opponent and saw that they were a little lower than you.  You climbed even more and managed to get to the top.

       You turned to everyone with a smile and some cheered for you. You smiled a bit more before you slid down the rope to meet back up with your friends.

       "That was so awesome, (Y/n)!" Tommy exclaimed, giving you a high-five.

       "You were so quick!" Lola gave you a hug.

       "Pfft, how can you NOT expect that from, (Y/n)? I mean she's the best!" Gus complemented.

       "Thanks everyone," you replied giving them a warm smile. 

       You and your friends had to go back to the bleachers and watch everyone else's turn. Of course they had to go, but you had drifted off into daydream land. When you snapped out of it, you noticed that everyone had finished their races. Tommy, Lola and Gus then approached you. "So how was it?" you asked, getting up from your seat.

       "Tommy won, I got a tie, and Gus lost," Lola stated. You rolled your eyes, not surprised. "Okay, the whole class went inside for lunch, let's go!" Lola exclaimed as Tommy and Gus followed behind her. Just as you were going to go behind them, something grabbed you. You screamed, causing your friends to turn back to you. They gasped as you were placed in some type of cage.

       "DR. KAMIKAZI!!"

       "Hello, you meddlesome children! I'm back to get Robotboy!" Dr. Kamikazi yelled. You were confused as you looked at your friends. Tommy had bolted into the school again for a reason unknown to you. "Now give me Robotboy or the girl gets it!" Kamikazi threatened. Your eyes widened in shock as you began to hit against the glass cage. Tommy then came back out with some strange blue and white robot. 'That's probably Robotboy...' you thought.

       "Dr. Kamikazi, let her go! She has nothing to do with any of this!" Tommy yelled. Kamikazi simply laughed.

       "She may not have been part of it before, but NOW SHE IS! CONSTANTINE! THE WEAPON!" Dr. Kamikazi shouted at his assistant. 

        "O-Oh, right away sir," and he pressed a button. Some electricity was turned on in the cage, electrocuting you. You screamed in pain as you fell onto the cage's floor. Your friends gasped as Tommy pointed at you.

       "Save her, Ro!" Tommy exclaimed and the small robot gave him a short nod. Ro flew to the main robot, but was stopped by other robots appearing. The battle got a bit intense, making Robotboy super-activate. He easily defeated the robots and managed to get you out the cage as well. The doctor and Constantine were left with their tails between their legs, retreating. Unfortunate for you, the electricity had knocked you out. Your friends looked at your unconscious body worryingly. "We have to take her to my place."   

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