.:Chapter 3:.

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       You were near to waking up from your small rest. You fidgeted as you heard some voices around you. You opened your eyes and noticed you were in an unfamiliar bedroom. You blinked a couple times to fix your blurred vision. You turn to see your friends and the same robot from school. You notice him staring at you and you stare back at him. You both hear someone clear their throat and you look away blushing. "Hey (Y/n), are you okay? You did get electrocuted," Tommy stated as he walked over to you. He helped you sit up as Lola brought over some food. You took it and placed it on your lap.

       "Nah, I'm fine," you reply as you begin to eat the food you were given. The robot walks forward to you.

       "Hi! I Robotboy!" he greeted, dragging the 'r' at the beginning of his name. You giggled at this and he notices. "What so fun-ny?" Robotboy asks as he places his hands on his hips. Lola and Tommy had left your side to talk about something privately.

      "The way you say your name is cute," you say poking him where his nose would possibly be. You go back to eating as Robotboy lightly blushes at what you did.

       "(Y/n) and Ro, seem like they would already be good friends," Lola points out. You and Ro exchange looks and nod. Gus huffs and zooms to Robotboy, making him jump and fly a bit.

       "You better not try to steal (Y/n) from me Ro, or you'll get it!" he exclaims with a growl. Ro smirks as you sit on the edge of the bed, ready to stand.

       "Or what? I get a fart?" Robotboy jokes as he is still in the air. Everybody laughs except Gus. Robotboy glances over to you laughing. He flies over to you. "You cute when you laugh," Ro states with a smile as he points at your smile. You blush a deep red and cover your face. Ro giggles a bit before helping you off the bed. Lola and Tommy 'awed' the both of you and Gus rolled his eyes. Everyone's moment was then interrupted when a box, that flew through Tommy's window, hit you. You yelped as you fell on the floor face-first and everyone gasps.

       "Ow," you simply say with your muffled voice.

       "(Y/n), you okay?" Ro asks in worry. You sit up rubbing your forehead, which has a bruise.

       "Yeah, I'm fine. Just a bruise," you tell him as you continue to rub your bruise. Robotboy leaves Tommy's room and goes to the bathroom. As he does this, a hologram of an old man appears. He looks as if he may be a scientist.

       "Hello everyone, I see my package has arrived," he said.

       "Yeah, on me," you say, showing him your injured forehead.

       "Oh my, I am very sorry, (Y/n)," the scientist apologized. As he finished, Robotboy came back with some medical stuff.

       "(Y/n), this might hurt, okay?" Ro said reassuringly. You nodded and he started to rub rubbing alcohol on your bruise, since it was starting to bleed a bit. You winced, but let Robotboy continue. He put a bandage then wrapped an ice pack. "Here," Ro was handing you the ice pack. You took it and became in contact with his hand in the process. You and Robotboy blush as you took the ice pack, putting it on your bruise.

       "Thank you, Ro," you say, giving him a peck on his cheek. Robotboy's eyes widen and his hand goes to place on his cheek, his cheeks flushed. Everybody else except Gus chuckle at you and Ro's behavior.

       "Okay, you may want me to introduce myself, (Y/n), correct?" the scientist's hologram asked.

       "Yes, please," you answer and he clears his throat.

       "(Y/n), I am Professor Moshimo. I created Robotboy," Moshimo said. You smile.

       "Nice to meet you and how do you know me?" You asked.

       "Well, Tommy here, speaks about your responsibility, respect, loyalty, and honesty," he explained with a smile. You soon felt as if Moshimo reminded you of something.

       "Oh yeah! Honesty! Something that some others don't have?" you send a glare toward Tommy, Lola, and Gus, making them flinch. Tommy sighs and walks over to you.

       "I'm sorry, (Y/n). We all are. I should have told you about Ro...No hard feelings?" Tommy asks. You glare more at him and turn away.

       "No way!" you yell.

       "What?" Tommy says with big, wide eyes filled with sadness. You giggle.

       "Just kidding!" you exclaim. Tommy groans as he face-palms.

       "You and Robotboy will make a great couple," Tommy states. You and Ro exchange glances and blink a couple times while blushing.

       "We're not a couple!" 

       "We not couple!"

       You and Robotboy shout in unison. Tommy, Lola, and Moshimo laugh a little and Gus snickers.

       "Alright, enough chatter. (Y/n), if you look in the package there is something for you. Tommy will know what to do next," as he finished his sentence, the hologram cut off. You and Tommy both opened the package and you both gasped. 

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