.:Chapter 5:.

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       You, Tommy, Lola, Gus and Ro were watching Mortal Kombot and the announcer was talking about how Professor Moshimo created a robot better than Robotboy. Moshimo then accidentally revealed the robot's name to be Robotman before the interview came to a close.

       "Cool! He's probably better, smarter, have better weapons-" Gus started, but was interrupted by Robotboy holding him up by his shirt. "but probably not as good looking," Gus said patting Ro's head nervously. You silently giggled, but your giggles were cut short when you all heard a knock at the door. Tommy went and opened it, revealing a delivery guy and a tall box behind him.

       "Package for Tommy Turnbull," he said looking at his clipboard then back to Tommy. After getting the box in, Gus proceeded to open it with Tommy's dad's umbrella.

       "Hey careful with that, its my dad's," Tommy said as you took off a piece of paper off the box and read it. 

       "It's from the professor. Tommy, if Robotboy wasn't safe with me, I'm sure this certainly isn't. Please take care of him," you finished as you folded the paper shut.

       "Him?" Lola asked and after she says this, the box opens itself and one of the pieces fall on Gus, him letting out a small yelp. The box revealed an extremely tall robot, which seemed deactivated at the moment. Everyone stared at him with awe.

       "Activate him already before I explode!" Gus said exaggeratedly. Tommy obeyed his wishes and turn him on with the watch that came with the box. Robotman started to beep and his activation looked as if he was going to attack. Everyone got together and Robotboy stood in front of you guys in defense.

       "Greetings. I am Robotman, and you must be Goose, Lola, Tommy, and (Y/n)," he says. Tommy walked up to him.

       "Wow, he knows us," Tommy states in awe. Gus starts to tell Robotman on how his name should be and Tommy decides to check out what Robotman can do. 

       "Yeah, RobotMAN. How much can you bend?" Gus teases him. Robotman walks outside with the others following. Lola grabs your hand to follow them. You looked behind to see a sad Robotboy. You felt guilty because you didn't actually want to go see what Robotman "can do". Once you all got outside, Robotman picked up a car and Gus wasn't impressed. "Yeah, big deal. Robotboy can do that. Right Ro?" As Gus finished, Ro nodded and slammed two cars together. You all turned to see Robotman walking towards you with "pinchers". He then used them to lift up Tommy's house (really where were Tommy's parents in this episode?!).

       Robotboy knew he couldn't even do that and released the crushed cars, crushing them even more once they hit the ground. You saw how unhappy he was at Robotman's attention and affection. "Alright, but is he fast?" Gus asks. You turned to Robotman again and he goes in a racing stance before flying past all of you and back. You end up in Tommy's clothes and he ends up with yours while Lola and Gus also switch clothes. "HA! You look ridiculous!" Gus remarks as he points at Lola. Lola just looks at him with a dumb founded look as he has her clothes on. Tommy starts to laugh and you just giggle.

       "Robotboy do big things too!" he states and goes flying off somewhere. In seconds, he comes back with popsicles. Lola and Gus start to devour the popsicle as you and Tommy look at the popsicle in "confusion". Robotman makes a face of disgust before he takes you, Gus, Lola, and Tommy. He flies you all around the world and comes back in a couple minutes. When you come back, Robotboy's "ears" are down and Robotman lands, letting you all go. Tommy has a Chinese outfit, Lola has a Native outfit, Gus has Arctic clothes, and you have (fav country) clothes. Everyone, but you, start to compliment Robotman's greatness. Ro's sorrow expression made you disgusted at everyone's behavior. You took off your (fav country) clothes and threw them on the ground (you have other clothes on you). Ro saw this and gave you a shocked expression with his "ears" perked up.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2018 ⏰

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