Chapter 7

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Since the return to Meduseld almost a week ago, Anneth had had little time to recover from the battle. There were many that still had wounds that needed regular tending, and many others who needed aid learning how to manage without the use of missing limbs, or needed help working their muscles back to their proper form.

Her mother brought her dinner every day, and the two would speak of anything and everything they could in the short amount of time each night. Anneth had told her mother about Boromir, and her feelings for him. Gwendolyn was overjoyed that her daughter had found happiness in these dark times, though she knew that Theodred's death still weighed heavy in her heart.

Gamling was due to return with the King and his party tomorrow. They had left Helm's Deep on a mission to Isengard, though the intent was not widely known. Anneth worried what her father would think of the match between her and Boromir, but her mother assured her that it wouldn't be a problem.

"You leave that to me, dear. Your father won't be able to argue anything after I speak to him," Gwendolyn said. "You just keep doing your job and following your heart, and all will be well."

Eowyn was often at the healing house, both to help and escape the hectic Golden Hall. Anneth noted that the woman's countenance had brightened tenfold since the revival of Theoden and the coming of the travelers, and she was glad for her friend. The people would take heart when they looked up to their White Lady, and find their courage in her pride.


The day before the King's party was due to return, Anneth had an errand to run.

Some nights, when her work was done, she would go outside the gates and sit beside Theodred's tomb. Most of the time she would sit in silence, gazing at the stars, but other times she would tell him about a particularly humorous incident that had occurred, or she would read him the tales of the Kings of Rohan that had always been his favorites.

Tonight, however, she had a different story to tell, one she knew he would be glad to hear, and one that would give him peace. Tonight she was going to tell him about Boromir.

The moon was full as she set her torch in the ground, and the wind was calm against her skin. The guards were on watch, as always, and Anneth drew in a deep breath before she began.

"Westu Hal, Theo, it is Anneth. I know not if you can hear any of this from the halls of your fathers, but I will tell you anyways, if only to ease the qualms of my heart.

"What I have come to tell you I know not how you will receive, so I will simply say it outright: I believe I have fallen in love with Lord Boromir. I know not how nor when it happened, but I do know that I have found happiness with him. He is truly a good and noble man, very much like you were, and he has been unbelievably kind in the wake of your passing. He regrets not getting to see you before you- before it happened.

"I wish you were here to share my joy in this, Theo. I just wanted to let you know that I have found love amidst this chaos, and that I owe our meeting to you. May you rest well with your fathers, Theo, my dearest friend. Westu Hal."

Anneth stood slowly, resting her hand on the stone door. The breeze blew harder across the plains, and several simblemyne flowers were plucked off of their stems and danced around her in the wind before falling in front of Theodred's tomb.

"Thank you, Theo," she whispered, tears pricking at her eyes even as a smile came to her face. He had heard her, and he was gladdened by her happiness; this she was certain of.

As she returned to the house and went to bed, that same smile never left her lips.


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