Chapter 4

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      Lin, Morganna, Alistair, and Zyla made their way through the cave looking around at the ruins inside. There was old language written on the broken bricks and stone, covered in dust and dirt, some so cracked their unreadable. “So, what exactly are we looking for?” Zyla said as she dusted a stone off, attempting to read it with no luck.

     “We're looking for whatever is in this cave.” Lin said as she clinued walking around. “We found this scroll with some sort of encrypted text on it. When i read it, it kinda made things go weird and I'm not sure what.

    “Well,” Alistair interjected, “ it's actually a scroll of revealing. Who ever was down there used magic in order to hide the entrance. Luckily, Lin was able to reactivate the spell.”

    “It wasn't hard really, just had to read what it said. I didn't really think much of it.”

    “So it was a glamor spell?” Zyla asked confused, giving up trying to decipher  the stone. “Those can be hard to perfect. Let alone break. I have yet to master one.”

    “Not sure really what it was. Maybe you'll be able to soon though.” Lin gave zyla a reassuring smile. “Just keep trying.”

    “I know.” Zyla saw alistair walking over to the entrance which had been covered in rocks before.  “Anyway, are we ready to go in?”

    Lin looked over to the entrance then turned back and smiled before sprinting through, almost running into Alistair in the process,  and ran through the hall. Zyla rolled her eyes a let out a little laugh before running after her. “You guys are slow!” Lin yelled after turning around with zyla right behind her.

    Alistair tried to run up to meet them but was quickly running out of breath. “We're… trying!” He yelled back, gasping for air.

    “Good.” Lin grabbed of her arrows and scratched it one the ground, inflaming it. “Lets see how deep this cave really is.” She aimed the arrow and shot it through the dark cave and they all watched as it lit up parts of the walls as it passed through and eventually disappeared. “Well, lets just hope we don't get lost in here.”

    “No kidding.” Zyla said.

    Morganna landed on Lin's shoulder and looked down the hall. “Why don't you guys just fly?” She asked.

    Everyone just looked at her, not quite knowing whether or not she was being serious. Alistair began walking in the ruins, trying not to trip on rubble and bones. “Oh dear.”

    “Hey Alistair, do you mind giving us some light through the cave?” Lin asked.

     “Sure thing.” Alistair pulled out his staff and slowly created a small light that reveals the dramatic and intense shadows of the ruins. “It sit better when it was dark. Now it's just creepy.”

    “I actually like how it looks.” Lin said looking around. “Has that sense of adventure and fear to really get you ready to come at anything that attacks you. Not to say that there might be anything that will kill us in here.”

    “You never know what might be lurking in the shadows.” Zyla said as she put a spooky tone in her voice.

    “That is quite true.” Lin put her arms behind her back while she continued to walk down the caves paths looking around and examining the walls and ground. “I hope we can find anything to fight or at lease take something valuable and show it to other people in the tavern. Never thought I'd have to go with three other people but oh well.” Lin said and began to whistle.

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