The lesson learnt

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Hey all! Thanks for joining me on this journey. Hope you like these poems.

Pitter Patter! came down the drops.

I looked up from my books and what did I see?

A silver, a trickle flowing down the crops.

My heart soared and I felt so free.

The time had come for me to run amok,

For I did not intend to be as lazy as a croc.

As I walked beyond the field

Into the mouth of the wood,

The leaves and branches began to yield

Plodding on through the undergrowth,

I chanced upon a fallen tree.

Filled with an urge to sit, I moved forth

And came across a sight that arrested me;

A rabbit family rescuing a hurt deer

Whose leg was stuck in a metal trap.

The family helped in spite of their fear

Of imminent danger and mishap.

Going back home as dusk set in,

I pondered over my life so far

And thought above the love lost in the din,

The boundaries of which had no bar.

The rabbits taught me a lesson I will never forget:

Compassion and love for all fellow beings,

Selflessness, generosity and respect

And helping those in need instead of fleeing.

From the bottom of my heart,
The author

Follow me @sanagirish to check for my next update.
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From the bottom of my heart, the author | #Wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now