Chapter 7

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Home sweet home. Please note my sarcasm. A flood of maidens literally carried me to the room where all the wedding things are, and they got to work, the woman in her late thirties from before was in charge of me hair, along with five other women. I never got her name so I asked her. "I am whatever Lord Hades says I am, but you can call me Scarlett." I nod and entered my train of thoughts. How is mom copingIs the police looking for meWas Hades lying when he said I would have my freedom, am I going to be locked up in here after the wedding

"We're done!" They all say at ounce, startling me. "OK, can I get a mirror, I would like to see myself." I say. "I'm sorry, but we cannot allow that, you cannot see yourself before Lord Hades sees you, and becomes one with you," "who came up with that?" I ask. "The goddess of marriage herself, and she did not 'come up' with it, it is a very strict law that was thought about very carefully." "Why is the law there?" "Long ago, witches would cast a spell on mirrors and place it for the brides of gods. When the bride stares at herself, the witch would claims the bride's body as her own and kill the the groom at their wedding, then releasing the bride, and this led to the death of many gods, because only the magic of a powerful witch is capable of killing a god." "But why didn't the brides stop using the mirrors if the knew what happenes when they do?" I ask. "Apparently, the mirror was calling them; they would hear voices from the mirror." That was enough to make me want to never use a mirror ever again.

"Remember, do not smile, do not laugh, this is not heaven, this is hell. Just stay neutral," Scarlet says. I nod and the great doors are immediately opened. I almost blurted a curse word when i see every single god and goddess rise up. I'm talking: Athena, Apollo, Zeus, Poseidon and just literally everyone. I suddenly began to get cold feet when I see Hades standing on the pulpit, next to a woman who looked eighteen to me. My purple and black dress looked light compared to Hades' charcoal suit.

"Do you Lucy take Hades, god of the underworld, to be your husband?" I looked at Hades who I am sure is hoping for me to say no, but even if I did so, I would probably be killed, and another bride would be chosen. "Yes," I say. "And you good Hades, do you take Lu..." "I do, but only because I got no choice and you know it, goddess of marriage." I then realized who she was, the goddess of marriage. I will be honest with you and say I was expecting an old woman with white hair but she's quite young. What am i saying, these gods don't age. "Then by my authority and power..." a pair of cuffs was handed to her and she asked for our hands. "By my authority and power as goddess of marriage, I bind you too in blood. Lucy, forever shall you live. Drink the blood" I hesitated at first but then asked "whose blood is that?" "Mine," hades answered. I felt sick now, even though I had barely eaten anything, I might as well vomit out my organs, but of course I never acted on it, I've got to stay neutral. I lifted the cup and drank. Funny thing is that the more I drank, the more it became delicious, and soon I was licking the cup. Hades gave me one of his stares and back to reality I was. "You may now kiss the bride." What!! I yell in my mind. Worst of all is that this was my first kiss, but for Hades, it obviously was not because he just went straight in and took aver my tongue. A thunder like applause followed from the rest of the gods. I felt the connection, I was becoming one with him. I swear this felt like the kiss of death.

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