Chapter Thirteen - A Valiant Victory

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 There was a feeling that washed over everybody. Freedom. The Knave of Hearts looked up to see Alice Kingsleigh standing valiantly at the top of the staircase ruins, peering over the edge at the silent scene. Iracebeth raised her sceptre in Alice’s direction. ‘KILL HER!’

‘We follow you no more!’ said a Red Knight from behind her. ‘Bloody Big Head.’

‘How dare you! Off with his head!’

 But nobody listened to the Queen. Knights, both red and white, dropped their weapons. Stayne dropped his sword, and the Hatter dropped his, as Alice made her way down the steps. She was panting slightly. Stayne looked at her, and smiled. She grinned back, happy that her ordeal was over.

 Stayne, and the others, watched at the golden crown lifted itself from Iracebeth’s head and floated over to gracefully land on Mirana’s. It had changed colour, and structure; it was now silver with turquoise gems decorating it. The Cheshire cat revealed itself as the one behind the crown’s motion.

 As the crown made contact with the White Queen’s head, Stayne saw the power emanate from her. He looked down at Iracebeth to see her cast a dirty look at her beautiful sister. ‘Iracebeth of Crimms, your crimes against Underland are worthy of death.’ Mirana glared. ‘However, that is against my vows. Therefore you are banished to the outlands. No-one is to show you any kindness, or even speak a word to you.’

 Stayne admired the White Queen’s courage, and the lack of harshness. ‘You will not have a friend in the world.’ He only now realised how large the crown was. Of course, it would’ve looked tiny, sitting in a head as large as Iracebeth’s.

 Two Red Knights cuffed her wrists and dragged her away, despite her screams and struggles to break free. Stayne crossed over to joined Alice. ‘Congratulations, Alice. I knew you would be able to defeat that horrid creature.’

 ‘It was my duty.’ She smiled. Alice leaned in and whispered into his ear. ‘Not to mention, it was kill or be killed.’ She joked. Stayne chuckled. The White Queen stepped up to the to, making herself visible in Alice’s line of vision. Stayne looked to see her hold out a small phial containing purple liquid.

 ‘The blood of the Jabberwocky.’ She explained with a pleased smile. ‘You have our everlasting gratitude. For your efforts, on our behalf.’ The Queen of Underland held out the phial for Alice to take. She took it and studied it. ‘Will this take me home?’

‘If that is what you choose.’

 The White Queen smiled, softly stroking Alice’s cheek with the back of her fingers. She smiled and walked off to let Alice make her decision. They both smiled, before Alice looked down at the phial again. ‘You’re leaving.’ Stayne said. Never before had such a simple statement held more emotion. The sadness and disappointment in his voice was obvious, and he didn’t hide it.

‘You could stay, Alice.’ He whispered. She looked up at him with a grin.

‘How I’d love to.’ But the grin faded. ‘But I can’t. There is an important question that requires my answer.’ Stayne sighed, and Alice tried to pull a smile again. ‘I’ll be back again before you know it.’ He watched in sadness as the girl flicked open the lid of the phial and swallowed the blood.

 Stayne pulled her into a protective hug, and did not want to let her go. Alice rested her head on his chest and listened to his heart pound. He could feel his heart was racing, and Alice could hear it. The two pulled away to look into each other’s eyes. They broke the tension and connected their lips. This kissed seemed better than the last, probably as Stayne knew this would be his last.

 He knew that, although she promised she’d return, that Alice would forget about Underland and never return. He leaned down and set his lips near her ear. ‘I love you, Alice.’ He whispered. They were both shocked, and after a moment’s hesitation, Alice replied. ‘I-’

The Knave and the Champion : Alice and StayneWhere stories live. Discover now