Chapter Fourteen - Collecting Alice

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 And at that moment, Alice Kingsleigh vanished. Stayne’s heart slowed its pace of beats. He slammed his fist into a piece of the ruin, racing it again, this time with anger, and sorrow. Tears began to well up in his eyes as he sat with his back to the Queen and the others, not wanting them to see him reduced to crying.

 ‘Ilosovic?’ Mirana whispered gently, approaching him slowly.

‘Majesty?’ He said, turning his head far enough to show them he was listening, but also hiding his face with his thick black hair. ‘Fear not, Ilosovic Stayne, for you and Alice will be reunited fairly soon.’

‘How can you be sure? It took her thirteen years to return.’ Stayne sighed. ‘As much as I would adore her to, I doubt Alice will be returning soon.’

 The White Queen placed a hand on his shoulder, and as if calling his name telepathically, Stayne looked up at her. He saw that she was holding something out to him. His face lit up immediately when he saw that she was holding out another phial of purple Jabberwocky blood. ‘Bring her back, Ilosovic Stayne, for Underland is where she is truly at home.’

 The Knave leapt to his feet and took the phial thankfully. ‘Thank you, Majesty!’ He kissed her hand gently before knocking back the Jabberwocky bloody speedily. Within a few seconds, Stayne had left the Battlefield, and was now travelling to the rabbit hole in which Alice fell through.

 He followed down a pathway of trees, which looked like they had been impatiently parted. Stayne came to an opening, with hedges either side. Perfectly trimmed. As he edged forward, he saw a large amount of elegantly dressed people, all in bright colours, and a gazebo.

 Stayne was in a large country garden, and was clearly out of place here. ‘Alice!’ He called out, all those who were not already turned their eyes and watched him. Whispers and murmurs of ‘‘Who’s that?’’ were repeating.

 Stepping into the gazebo, he saw Alice. This time, in an elegant blue dress, that had been dirtied by the fall into Underland. ‘Alice, who is this?’ Her mother asked cautiously. Stayne, having to duck slightly due to being so tall, to get into the gazebo, was  attempting to stand proudly.

 Alice had never realised how tall Stayne actually was until now. ‘Ilosovic Stayne, ma’am.’ He introduced himself politely, stepping out of the gazebo and taking her hand, before kissing it gently. ‘A pleasure.’ She smiled.

 Hamish’s mother stood forward, absolutely furious. ‘And is this why you refuse to marry my son?! There is another!’

‘Lady Ascot, please let me-’

‘I will not tolerate your pathetic excuses! You have ruined 20 years of planning, you stupid girl!’

‘Alice is, by no means, stupid. She is the most intelligent young woman that I have ever had the pleasure to meet.’ Stayne said proudly. ‘Now, if you would excuse her, she has come to set her affairs in order before pursuing her destine path.’

 Lady Ascot was speechless. She had never before been spoken to in such a manner. Even Stayne felt that he should have apologised, but he barely had the chance, as she stormed back into the safety of her own home.

 Alice looked up to see Stayne’s thick black hair over his face, and he was just catching his breath. She smiled as she knew that he had been running, and his eyes sparkled with joy. Just being in her presence made him happy. Although, she worried that the first, charming, impression Stayne had set upon her mother had been forgotten, after the way he had just spoken to Lady Ascot.

 Then, Margaret – Alice’s beloved sister – approached her. ‘Alice, what are you to do with your life? You have thrown away your chance to be wedded to Hamish.’

‘Margaret, I know you said that I won’t do any better than a lord, but what about, perhaps, a Knave?’

‘A Knave?!’ She said, clearly surprised by the suggestion.

‘A Knave of Hearts. I know that he may not look it, but,’ She looked up at Stayne as he smiled back at her. ‘Stayne is the right one for me.’

 Margaret sighed and shook her head gently. ‘There is no way of persuading you, is there?’ She smiled. Alice grinned back. ‘You are just like father.’ Margaret pulled her sister into a hug. ‘Take care, Alice. And promise you’ll visit us some time?’

 ‘I promise.’ Alice grinned. She turned around to find her mother eyeing Stayne suspiciously, clearly feeing that strong parental urge to search for anything un-truthful about him. ‘Stayne, is it?’

‘Yes, ma’am.’

‘Hmm,’ She sighed, still eyeing him cautiously. ‘You had better take good care of my Alice. She and Margaret are all I have left.’

‘I shall, Mrs Kingsleigh.’

 Hamish stood forward, looking a little disgusted that this man with a scared face could win the heart of Alice. ‘And where are you residing?’ He hissed. Stayne looked down at Alice and then returned his eyes to Hamish. ‘Oh,’ he smiled, ‘not very far from…Umbrage.’

 Stayne once again looked down at Alice. They exchanged grins at the humour that only they understood. Others just looked on the scene in confusion, wondering why the Knave was here, and where he even came from.

 Not extremely bothered that his wife had gone, yet again, into a hissy fit, Lord Ascot stepped forward. ‘You’ve left me out.’ He said to Alice.

‘No I haven’t, sir.’ She smiled in return. ‘You and I have business to discuss.’

‘Shall we talk in the Study?’ Alice looked up at Stayne, who gazed back with a ‘‘whatever-you-wish’’ sort-of look. ‘I fear I haven’t the time.’

‘Go ahead, Alice. I’ll wait here for you.’

‘Okay, Stayne.’ She smiled. ‘Please lead the way, Lord Ascot.’

 He watched as Alice and Lord Ascot disappeared in the crowd, and entered the house. Concerned eyes watched him. Hamish took another look at Stayne before wondering off in the direction his mother went. He sat on the steps of the gazebo whilst Margaret and Alice’s mother cleared the crowd from the area and sent them back to the dancing area.

 Soon after, Alice reappeared. She big goodbye to her mother and sister, and Lord Ascot, before telling Stayne she was ready to leave. He held out his, now, un-gloved hand for Alice to take as they walked back to the rabbit hole.

 They did not rush; the two were enjoying one another’s company. They said nothing but just grinned at the feeling of being with each other. As they reached the rabbit hole, they knelt beside it. ‘For a moment there, I thought you were not going to return to Underland with me.’

 Alice grinned slightly. ‘Of course I was going to return. As I said, there were just a few things I needed to set straight.’ His eye met hers and she remembered when she had last seen him; on the Battlefield. ‘I love you too, Stayne.’

 They both gasped a little at this, before chuckling. She had said it so un-forced, casually, but with emotion. They took each other’s hands again, entwining their fingers, before falling into the rabbit hole, and back to Underland.

The Knave and the Champion : Alice and StayneWhere stories live. Discover now