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Y/n pov.

Quickly turning around, I smash my elbow into the guy's nose, a loud crack following my action. Pulling my gun out, I swiftly take cover from the shouts of battle. Blood runs down my face from a gash I got, it's metallic scent invading my senses. I brace myself, before pulling myself up, shooting down three people before moving to another spot. I spy an overhanging ledge in the warehouse. Without drawing attention to myself, I slowly climb my way onto the platform. Surveying the area, there are only about eighteen men we still have to take care of. Filling my gun with as much ammo as I can, I open fire.


One of the men had found my hiding spot, had creeped up behind me, before pointing a gun at my head. I chuckle lifting my hands up above my head, dropping my gun. He roughly grabs me, pulling me along with him. With him noticing, I slip my hand down into my pants. I grab ahold of the knife pressed against my thigh. Throwing myself out of his grip, I stab him in the hand before he can blow my brains out, and then follow with a slice to the leg, promptly bringing him down onto his knees. Leaving him to bleed out, I grab his gun as well as mine and hurry back down to the ground. The warehouse is eerily silent, my soft footsteps the only sound my ears pick up. The sight that greets me is one that brings a bright smile to my face. Most of my men stand there, hands on their knees as they try to catch their breath. I pat the closest to me on the back, nodding at him with a satisfied expression on my face. I walk to my car parked a mile away, driving back to my headquarters. I arrive soon, the feeling of victory drifting through the compound. I reach my office and rest myself on my leather couch. Not long after, a knock on my door interrupts my daze.

"Come in," I call out.

My men from the operation file in silently, facing me with looks of pride on their faces.

"You all did very well today. We succeeded in bringing the Cobras down, and their leader is no more. You should be very proud of yourselves." I state, staring at all of them.

"You all have a week break, make it count. We will be raiding their remaining abandoned compounds soon, and gathering all our spoils. Good work." I dismiss them, watching as one stays behind.

"Yes, Min?" I ask, tilting my head as he leans against the wall.

He smirks, running a hand through his hair. Seeing my unamused gaze, he cuts the crap with a sigh and comes to sit beside me.

"You doing okay? You haven't been acting totally like yourself." He questions, his gaze clearly worried.

Min Yoongi is my right hand man. I trust him with my life, and he does the same. I also see him as a good friend of sorts.

I lean my head against his shoulder, sighing.

"I found my soulmate..." I mumbled.

Yoongi jerks to face me. His expression is shocked, but a smile is gradually creeping up his face.

"I can't be with him Yoongi, he's too innocent to drag him into my life." I sigh out, looking down at my hands that are still slightly stained red.

"You know you don't have to tell him," Yoongi simply stated, looking at me with a blank face.

"It's not that easy... My enemies will target him just because he is around me. I can't let an innocent like him die because I was too selfish to let him go." I explain, covering my face with my hands.

Yoongi stares at me with a torn look. Finally he sighs, and wraps his arms around me in a comforting hug.

"You're the strongest woman out here. If anything, he's probably more safe under your protection than not. People could still discover that he's your soulmate. It is a he, right?" Yoongi asked, laughing slightly.

I nodded, chuckling along with him.

"Thanks Yoon," I thank him by his nickname, making a gummy smile stretch across his face.

He ruffles my hair, pushing himself up before disappearing through the doorway, leaving me alone with my troubled thoughts.

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