Well here is chapter 4 I hope you guys like it :)
-Wonderwomen 🐼
Kyle didn't answer me, he got quite. "Hey Kyle, you can trust me I am Coraline's best friend." Kyle didn't speak for a awhile.
"Yes I am gay.... but I hate being bullied, my parents are never home..", he said.
"But you have Coraline, she is your older sister & you can tell her anything", I interrupted. "B-but I am afraid that she is going to freak out, and start bullying like everyone else", he said. He tried not to cry, I wiped his tear off of his cheek and hugged him.
We heard Coraline foot steps going up the stairs. Kyle stopped hugging me and went running to his room. Should I tell Coraline what just happened, or should I just keep it to myself?
Coraline pushed the door the open. She was carrying a box of pizza, a box of Oreos, peanut butter, and Hawaiian Punch.
She dropped all of the food on the bed. "Omg! Why did you bring so many stuff, I don't think I should eat a lot I have to get home in 15 minutes & I still have to eat dinner", I said. "All of these isn't for you", she said laughing, "I have cramps but I am willing to share my food with you", she said joking.
She opened the box of pizza and started eating. "You should out get that movie over there, and put it on the DVD player", Coraline commanded . I got the movie that was on her top shelf, and it was the only movie she had, I looked at the box and it said Coraline. "I love this movie!", I yelled. "I love that movie too, people says it creepy, but I don't care that movie reminds me of me", she said.
I put the movie on the DVD player and the movie started. "Aww shoot, I have to go Coraline Jones", I said. "Hey that's my last name only if I had freckles and blue hair we would be alike", she laughed. I closed Coraline bedroom door, and I passing by Kyle's room to say goodbye.
*knock knock*
"Hey Kyle I wanted to say bye I am heading home now", I said. "Bye Emily", he said with a frown. "If you want to talk to me about your problems here is my phone number so call me", I said. I got a purple marker and wrote my phone number on his white board.
I ran down stairs and started speed walking to my house. "Emily?", said Hayley. I turned around and I saw Hayley face her eye liner was all over her face like she was crying.
"I am so sorry, I heard what happen", I said hugging her. "Omg!", she started crying," they don't even want me as a daughter anymore! they won't let me inside of the house", said Hayley.
"Omg I am so sorry, Hayley you can come to my house right now, you can have dinner with me & my family", I said. Before she could say anything I was already pulling her up and pushing her to my house.
"MOM!! I AM HOME!! I ALSO BOUGHT MY FRIEND !!", I yelled. "Honey you don't have to yell ", said Hazel. She was coming out of the kitchen. "Oh!, Hi my name is Hazel & this is my husband Gus", said Hazel.
"So you guys are Emily's cool parents", Hayley said with a smirk,"my name is Hayley, it was nice to you."
"Well dinner is ready go sit down on the table", said Gus.We walked in and there was four plates on the table. On each plate there was 2 pieces of fried chicken,mash potatoes with gravy, and one piece of bread.
"Oh great! I love KFC", said Hayley. Everyone sat down and began eating. "So Hayley is your hair dyed?",said Hazel. "No mom she was born like that", I said sarcastically.
"What I was just trying to start a conversation, so anyways do you have a boyfriend?", asked Hazel. "Eww no I have a girlfriend", said Hayley. My mom started choking.
"Excuse me, did you just said, that you have a girlfriend?", asked Hazel. "Yes I did, well I am bi I like girls & boys", said Hayley. "Well we are done mom can Hayley stay over today, she had a big fight with her parents", I said. "Uhh yeah, she could stay over", said mom. "Thanks for everything", said Hayley.
I got Hayley hand and I pulled her. "Where are we going?", she said. "Too my laboratory!! aka my room", I said. "You have to stop reading those comic books you are turning into a geek", said Hayley. "But I love super heros", I said.
We walked in my room. "You room is Amazing!! It's so Purple and geeky look at all those comic books", Hayley yelled out. I started laughing, "Hey Emily I have to tell you something", said Hayley. That's when I suddenly stop laughing.
I think this chapter was short sorry
About that :) well I hope you guys liked
It chapter 5 is going to have a big
Surprise with Hayley & Emily ^~^
-WonderWomen 🐼

Finding the Truth About Alexia Thompson
Mystery / ThrillerAlexia Thompson has been missing since she was 10 years old, 4 years has past and no one has find her. Until one day they reveal the truth about her. But it's going to take a lot of time for her best friend Emily, her boyfriend Mason, and her suicid...