Emily P.O.V.
Nathan & Coraline & Mason & I were all on Nathan's truck. I whipped my tears off my cheek, and my eyes started hurting. I took a quick peak of what was going on with Coraline & Mason. Mason had his arm around you and she had her head on his shoulder, crying silently.
"We are here", said Nathan. As Mason & Coraline got off the car, I looked at Nathan his eyes were red and puffy. He parked the truck engine stopped, he looked at me. We both began to cry and gave each other a hug.
"My house is only a block from Coraline's house", I mumbled. We finally stopped crying and we were still in the same spot. "Is Mason your cousin?", I asked.
"So you can know me better", said Nathan. "I am Nathan Parker who has a twin brother named Mason, we are both 15 our birthday are February 28," he continued, " Mason & Coraline & I were like childhood buddies, but she hardly remember because one she had moved school & everyone out of no where, Mason was upset because he was madly in love with her."
"Oh my very interesting", I said. "She would call him her Prince Charming, and he would call her my princess, and I'll always leave them to go watch television for something", Nathan said.
I started laughing, "aww poor baby he was feeling left out." Nathan just smiled and started the engine. We got to my house pretty fast, he stopped the engine. "Emily?", he said while he was getting off his car.
"Yeah?", as I turned around he was already facing me. "You forgot something", he said. Before I could say or do anything I felt his soft lips against mine. "Emily", Hazel said. The sound of her voice broke down our perfect kiss.
Hazel was standing by the door smiling at us. "Mom?!", I finally said. "Well I have to go", I said to Nathan. "I'll pick you up tomorrow at 7;50", he said. He pulled me towards his hard chest and gave me a goodbye kiss. "Bye", he said.
"Bye." Nathan was already gotten inside of his house. I started blushing like crazy, and I started to face mom. I notice that Hayley was right next to me grinding at me. I forgotten that she lives with us.
"Is he your boyfriend?", Hazel asked. "Mom", I said with embarrassment. "Honey? Hayley? we have to talk", said Hazel. Mom pointed at the couch so we can sit there. All 4 of us were sitting in the couch,"We have to talk about the arrangements of Hayley living her", said Gus.
Oh thank god we are talking about this I thought mom was going to bring up the situation that happened earlier. If she that up I know for sure that I am going to break down and start to cry.
"Your father & I are going to be giving up our 2nd baby room", said Hazel. "Omg! no no no you guys save that room for a baby, and aren't you planning to get pregnant", said Hayley.
Hazel looked at Gus and they both half smiled at each other. "Hayley, I can't have a baby", Hazel said. "Omg! I am so sorry I didn't mean to bring it up", said Hayley.
"No no it's okay, we gave up our 1st baby room for our precious Emily, and now we gave up on our 2nd baby room for you darling, and for me it's a dream come true because I am going to be like your 2nd mom", Hazel smiled.
"And we already but all your stuff in there, the walls are painted and everything", said Gus. "Can I go see it", Hayley said tearing up. As we all went up stairs we turned left and went straight to the last room.
On the door they had a professional painter, paint Hayley's name with Pink & Purple and it look like a galaxy. Once we enter the room, our eyes widened. the walls were painted purple & pink& orange& yellow & white& black with all those colors it mad the whole room look like a galaxy. Each wall had the same exact colors same exact planets, and the planet were painted purple and the other one orange and yellow.
"Omg!! I love it!!! I always wanted a galaxy room!!", Hayley yelled out. All her poster were in the call she had her know king size bed her own bathroom and closet. They bought her new clothes shoes and everything. "No one has done so much for me before", Hayley said. A tear went down her cheek, "YOU GUYS ARE THE VEST PARENTS EVER!!",Hayley yelled out.
She can to Hazel & Gus and hugged them, " Thank you for everything."
Bed Time..
"What happen at the hospital", ask Hayley. Hayley was laying down on her bed and I was sitting down on her bing bag. After she asked me what had happen right after she left it got really quiet.
"Kyle did make it", I said in a low voice. "Omg!", said Hayley. "Girls it's already 12 go to your room Hayley & sleep you have school tomorrow", said Gus. Hayley got off my bed and left my room, Gus was walking towards me and he sat on my bed.
"I heard what happened today", said Gus. "Dad.. he didn't make it", I said. I put the covers on my face. "goodnight sweetie", said Gus. Once he left my room, I began to cry myself to sleep.d o
Sorry guys I didn't edit, so there might
Be a lot of mistake & sometimes it
Make sense sorry I got lazy cx well I
Am not going to be posting a new
chapter tomorrow until Wednesday
-Wonderwomen 🐼

Finding the Truth About Alexia Thompson
Mystery / ThrillerAlexia Thompson has been missing since she was 10 years old, 4 years has past and no one has find her. Until one day they reveal the truth about her. But it's going to take a lot of time for her best friend Emily, her boyfriend Mason, and her suicid...