I walk inside my house and close the door, I lay against the door, with these dreamy eyes, and a big smile. "Did you get pleasure", Hayley said. "Haha funny", I laughed. "C'mon don't tell me you are like these because of Nathan, not even me look at me I spend the whole day with Isaac and I am not even close to that", Hayley said.
"Girls sit in the table now, and let's eat", Hazel said. I put Nathans black jacket, and my backpack on the sofa. As I enter the kitchen floor Gus had a smile on his face. Mom made her famous chicken noodle soup. "How was you day", Hazel said.
"Well to start off umm it was a good day, because Casey didn't go to school today, and I finally have my first boyfriend", I said with excitement. "Aww Nathan finally ask you out, good for you honey", Gus said.
"What about you Hayley?", Gus asked.
"Uhh nothing much put I did get a boyfriend, is it okay if he come Monday ? Can we play video games on the living room tv?", Hayley said.
"Yes he can come over Monday , and yes you can use the living room tv, and now there is a new rule for both of you, you can not bring your boyfriend in your bedroom", Hazel said.
"Okay? so dad what was the important news you had to tell us", I finally said. "What news?", Hazel said confused. "We got new facts about Alexia Thompson, we know that the lady that was found in the swimming pool dead wasn't her mother it was just a girl that the dad was with", said Gus.
"So he cheated on his wife", Hayley said. "Yes, the house was full with pictures of that lady & the dad so we guessed that she was the mom. But that house was far away from where he usually lives with his wife. That day of the girls birthday, the dad was going to tell her about the Cheating.", Gus said.
"How do you know that?", I asked. "I visit the house and I was looking for evidence and I found a tape", he said. "So her real mom is alive?", I asked. "Yes & we are going to give her a visit on Wednesday. Alexia Thompson is not dead, but we do know that she lives in the city", Gus said.
"So you guys are closer to get this Alexia Thompson", said Hazel. "The good new is that Alexia Thompson is the most wanted. So my manager said who ever finds this girl gets 3 thousand dollars. I have most of the clues so I have a chance of getting that award", said Gus.
"I am so proud of you", Hazel giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Can we see the tape?", Hayley asked. "Later, now I want to hear about your new boyfriend Hayley, tell me about him", Gus smirked.
"Well his name is Isaac, he is a gamer, and kind of a geek-." "I thought you didn't like people who are geeks", I interrupted. "I like you and you are a geek", Hayley laughed. "Anyways, his shyness makes him adorable, I found out that he had a major crush on me since the 7th grade, so I gave him a chance", Hayley said.
"Are you happy with him, do you like him?", Hazel asked. "Yeah I am happy with him he is funny and cute, and yeah I am starting to like him a lot", she replied. "What video game are you going to play?", Gus asked. "The Last Of Us, it's a zombie game", Hayley said.
"So you both like zombies huh, does he watch the walking dead", I said. "Of course, now can we stop talking about him, and let's watch the tape", Hayley nagged.
Gus got up and got the tape from his car. Hazel was washing the plates & cups we used. I was cleaning the table, and Hayley well she was seating in the couch waiting to see the tape. "Got it!", Gus said. He put the tape inside of a box, and the video appeared on the TV.
Happy Birthday Alexia!! You are finally 10 years old, Alexia I love you so much baby. Bob? Oh hi honey * he kisses his wife* what are you doing? Oh! I am making a video for Alexia. Aww that's nice of you, well I am off to work I'll be back at 5 pm okay. Okay honey bye I love you. *wife leaves* Alexia I have a surprise for you!! *alexia goes downstairs* Happy birthday honey! Thanks dad! Well let's go the surprise is waiting!! Is it a puppy? No it's better.

Finding the Truth About Alexia Thompson
Mystery / ThrillerAlexia Thompson has been missing since she was 10 years old, 4 years has past and no one has find her. Until one day they reveal the truth about her. But it's going to take a lot of time for her best friend Emily, her boyfriend Mason, and her suicid...