Chapter 1

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"Good morning, detective." I heard as I entered the police station. I glanced down and to the side a bit and saw Hank's android partner, Connor.

"Connor." I acknowledged him quietly, heading to Hank's desk with files in my hand.

I tossed them onto the desk and then went all the way across the room to my desk. Connor had sat in Hank's chair and began going through the reports I wrote up for the drunken idiot. After a few minutes, I began to feel the headache from my hangover fading. A shadow was casted over my work and I looked up, my face centimeters away from Connor's.

"Detective, why do you write Anderson's reports for the cases?" He asked as I moved back so his face wasn't as close to mine.

"Because I always do. If Hank writes it then it'll be completely shitty and he would get a bad response from the captain. Due to his shitty writing skills, I write his reports for him so he won't get his ass fired." I sighed, organizing the papers on my desk. Connor's indicator blinked yellow as he processed the information... I think.

"Your desk is different from everyone else's." He pointed out. I nodded.

"I know."

"Why? Everyone else here has pictures of things they're proud of or family to motivate them. Why don't you?" Connor pointed out. And it was true, I had a practically empty desk aside from all the work that had been piling up a bit.

"That's because I don't have any family and the thing that motivates me is knowing that one day the job will get me killed." I grumbled, putting the finished work in an empty drawer and narrowing the pile of papers.

"What?" Connor spoke softly. I glanced over at him, his indicator blinking from yellow to red a few times.

"You normally scan people and analyze their faces, right? Well if you do that and look for any living relatives then you'd see that all of them are dead, I have no living family." I told Connor, my expression showing I was clearly done with everything.

"Detective (L/n). You-... Oh, you're right." He stopped speaking and cut himself off from saying something.

"You can call me whatever you want, Connor. Just don't use my last name." I sighed. He nodded and stood up straight instead of leaning close to my face.

"(Y/n)." Connor spoke, causing me to glance towards him.

"Yes Connor?" I hummed, finishing organizing my papers. He cleared his throat and straightened his tie even though there was nothing wrong with it.

"It's nothing, I was just wanting to make sure it was okay with you if I called you by your first name." Connor glanced awkwardly to the side before walking off.

"He's weird... But whatever, it's fine." I hummed out as I made my desk look almost like the unused one next to Hank's. I looked around for Connor to ask him where Hank was, only to hear a soft thud from the break room. I got up and rushed to go see what happened. Gavin had punched Connor in the gut and sent him to the ground, afterwards growling something at him.

"You listen when a human gives you commands." Gavin seethed in anger as he went to grab his coffee off the table.

"Gavin, you didn't have to punch Connor. He was only following his programing. And he's right to not listen to a mutt like you." I huffed as I held a hand for Connor to use and get up.

"What was that, (l/n)?" Gavin hissed, knowing I hate using my last name.

"You heard me, why would he follow the commands of an animal? Go drink your over caffeinated drink somewhere else." I huffed and pulled Connor up when he accepted my help. Gavin hissed up at me and left to go do something. "You okay, Connor?"

"I'm perfectly fine, (y/n). But why were you being so hostile to detective Reed?" He asked, making me get anxious. I didn't like the guy but I also felt that I needed to protect Connor from the douchebag. "(Y/n)? Are you okay? Your heart rate seems to have picked up as well as your body temperature."

"It's fine, Connor. I just need to calm down. I really don't like Gavin and how he treats androids." I sighed, scratching the nape of my neck nervously. "You didn't answer me though, are you okay? You aren't hurt, are you?"

"Androids don't feel pain or emotions." Connor deadpanned. I nodded.

"Just because you can't feel physical pain doesn't mean you can't suffering mentally." I hissed out softly, going to the fridge and getting a bottle of water.

Connor looked at me blankly but I ignored the star and headed back to my desk, needing to finish up a report on how the station had been since Connor had arrived. A hand was put on my desk, tapping lightly. I looked up to see a grumpy Hank.

"I put the papers on your desk." I muttered, going back to writing.

"We got another case last night, can you take the android to get details of the scene?" Hank grunted, not waiting for my agreement before walking off. I groaned softly.

"Yeah, sure thing pal." I spoke sarcastically as I put down my report and started on his. I got up and headed to Connor, who was sitting in the empty desk next to Hank's. I got up and headed over, rolling a chair in front of what was now Connor's desk. "Okay Connor, you need to tell me all that happened from the crime scene and interrogation."

"But that's for Hank to write up." Connor tilted his head like a confused puppy. I glanced away for a moment, keeping down a small blush that was trying to rush to my face.

"Yeah, well he told me to do it." I muttered softly, getting a blank report paper out of a file on the case.

Connor's indicator blinked yellow for a few moments as his fist clenched for some reason. I ignored it and got a working pen out of my pocket. I started to write down word for word what Connor spoke to me. I assume the yellow light was him processing the events that happened last night and in the interrogation room. I was s bit suprised when I heard from Connor himself that he yelled at the deviant to get him a bit stressed. Once I was finished, I put the file on Hank's desk and got up.

"Thanks for cooperating, Connor." I smiled softly at him and headed back to my desk.

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