The time has come

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Jessie's P.O.V.
Dri, Agnes, and I are lounging in my room Tuesday after school and I confide in them about Liam's band practice invitation. Dri being the as hopelessly obsessed with Liam as ever, encourages me to go.
"Of course you have to go!" She squeals, practically jumping up from her position seated on the floor next to me.
"Yeah, plus Ethan invited you. You should go to keep the peace," Agnes adds, lazily splayed out across my bed.
"Yeah, but I don't want it to be awkward."
"Why would it be awkward?" Dri pipes up.
"Because I thought that both Liam and Ethan were SN at some point!"
"But why does that matter? You guys moved past that, it was three months ago," Agnes quips nonchalantly.
"I know!  But it still feels awkward," I shriek., throwing my hands in the air in exasperation.
"What if I drive you?" Dri asks.
"What? Why?"
"So she has an excuse to go and see Liam sing," Agnes says flashing Dri a pointed glare. I raise an eyebrow in her direction.
"It's not like I'm gonna actually stay! I'll just drop you off. I can, like give you a pep talk on the way." I pondered Dri's offer, unsure whether it would work. What if I just started to panic more? What would happen then?
"I don't know.
"Come on Jessie! You'll be fine, trust me," Dri says clamping her hand around my wrist.
"Ok I trust you," I squeeze her wrist back.
"Good. So what time should I pick you up?"

time skip-the next day
"So, how you doin?" Dri asks still keeping her eyes on the road.
"Actually, I'm feeling pretty good. Are you excited to see Liam?" I raise my eyebrows and smile knowingly.
"Of course I am," She flashes me the dopiest grin. I take out my phone, and quickly snap a picture.
"And this," I say holding the phone out to her
"Is why I'm friends with you."
"Aww, that's really sweet. Oh, look we're here!"
Dri stops the car in front of Liam's driveway.
The garage door is open, and we can see Ethan jamming out on his guitar. His forehead is shiny with sweat, and it takes all of the self control I have in me not to walk over and push his hair out of his eyes.
"Hey, Jessie you came!" I try my best to hide my grimace as Liam walks over to me.
"Hey, yeah. Thanks again for inviting me."
"No problem. So, was that your friend Bri who in the drivers seat?"
"It's Dri," I correct him my heart breaking for my friend.
"Oh, my bad. Take a seat, I'm gonna go get the mic from inside," he tells me, gesturing to a lawn chair that he must have set down.
"Thanks," I say as he walk inside and it's just Ethan and I.
"Whoa. A chair just for me?" I don't even try to hide my giant eye-roll.
"Yep. Liam's very chivalrous like that," Ethan says setting down his guitar and walking over to me.
"Thanks again for coming," he says, giving me a quick kiss on the forehead.
"No problem. I'm glad to come to stop any fights from breaking out," I say taking both his hands in mine.
"So, how'd it go with your dad after I left?"
"It was good. I just told him what happened, and he was ok with it. We talked about you actually," he adds, flashing a cheeky smile.
"All good things I hope."
"Of course. I mean, is there anything bad about you?"
"Awww. That was really cheesy. But cute, thank you." I lean in for another kiss, but then we hear a door crash open.
"Hey Lover Boy! Quit talking and get to playing!" Ethan and I break apart quickly, and not before he flashes me an eye-roll of his own. I give him my best encouraging smile as I sit down in the lawn chair.
.They practice The Girl No One Knows, and some other songs that sound familiar.
"Is that the setlist you guys played at Gem's party at The beginning of the year?" The wide smile that Liam gives me makes me want to scream.   I almost do. He's such an attention seeking jackass. Oblivious to my emotions towards him, he responds.
"Yeah it is. That's cool that you remembered."
"Yeah," I respond half-heartedly, looking past Liam to Ethan. I know that because of you not him I will my eyes to convey the message, and he seems to understand. He just thinks since he's the singer that everyone loves him. Ethan communicates back. I offer up a small nod in agreement hoping Liam doesn't notice.
They practice a couple more songs, and I notice the sun beginning to set.
"Well, it's getting late. I should call Dri." I say as I watch Ethan pack up his guitar.
"Ok, see you tomorrow. " Liam offers up a small wave as he goes inside.
"Well, we survived!" Ethan says, picking up his guitar case.
"Thankfully," I chuckle.
"And I didn't actually punch him! Are you proud of me?"
"Yeah, super proud that I didn't have to get in between anyone," I smile.
"Hey!" He tries to act offended, but  smiles anyway. Suddenly, a car horn blasts, and I turn to see Dri in the drivers seat.
"Hurry up! It's late, and I need to get home!"
"Ok, ok hold on! I'll see you tomorrow," I say giving Ethan a quick peck on the cheek.
"Love you," he says giving my hand a squeeze.
"Love you too!" I call back over my shoulder, making my way toward Dri's car. Once I've got my seatbelt on, she turns to me.
"So, tell me everything!"
"Everything?" I ask, unsure.
"Yes! Everything."
"Well, for starters, he called you Bri-"

A/N: Hello! This took me a pretty long time to write so I really hope you guys enjoy it. I really just wanted to get more of the friendship between the girls in there because I realized I didn't have a lot of that. Plus, the band practice finally happened yay! So again, I really hope you guys enjoy this chapter(even though it's really long, sorry)

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