Just A Kiss

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Warning Lemon!! Enjoy!

A few months went by since the encounter and Tai Jr continued to call Paige mom that made her heart melt. Tai has been in and out of court trying to get Mandy to sign the parental right to him. He was currently at court while Paige was at his apartment babysitting Tai Jr. Paige was in the livingroom doing a crossword puzzle when the front door opened.


Tai called. Paige smiled as she put the book down.

"Hello back at you"

She yelled. Tai walked into the livingroom and smiled at Paige as she stood up to greet him. They share a quick kiss before Tai Jr came running and greeted his father.

"Dad can we have pizza for dinner?"

He asked. Tai smiled.

"Of course we can because tonight I have some great news"

He said with a smile.

"Now go and play"

Tai Jr nodded and happily went to his room. Paige looked to her boyfriend with a smile.

"So what happen?"

"I got full custody over Tai"

Paige happily cheered wrapping her arms around Tai's neck giving him a hug.

"That's great and what did she wanted in return?"

She asked when they pulled away. Tai then began to get nervous a little.

"Let's sit down"

He said as he grabbed her hand and pulled her to the couch and sat down.


She asked with a smile. Tai cleared up his throat.

"It was nothing big"

"What did she wanted?"

Paige asked again her smile disappearing from Tai's action.

"Now don't get mad...,

"What was it?"

She said cutting him off with a glare.

"She just....wanted a .....kiss...in return"

He said nervously as he shut his eyes waiting for the yelling to start.

"What? You kissed her? You cheated on me?"

She asked. Tai opened his eyes when no yelling came. He looked to Paige and gently grabbed her hand in his.

"It was just a kiss"

"I don't care you still cheated!"

She yelled as she stood up angrily.

"But it was the only way for she can sign the custody"

Tai said standing up. Paige yanked her hand away from Tai's and made her way to the front door.

"I don't care you could have found another way"

She said putting on her jacket

"I did it for you, for us"

Paige angrily faced Tai.

"If you did it for me then you should have jumped off a bridge"

She said walking away angrily as she open the front door and slammed it shut. Tai got angry at how things were turning out just over a kiss. He angrily began to destroy his livingroom throwing the lamps, breaking the TV, ripping up the couch and flipping over the table, throw things around. Tai Jr heard the commotion and opened his door and was scared at what he saw, his Dad was going haywire. After a while, Tai stopped as heard his son cry, Tai didn't know what to do as he backs up against the wall sliding down and cried. Tai Jr went to sit in between his father's legs with his back against his chest while Tai hugged him from the back.

"What happened between you and mom?"

"Daddy did something very stupid"

"Can you fix it Dad?"

Tai let out a sigh.

"I don't know"

'I try to do the right thing but it always gets blown in my face'

He thought sadly. Tai Jr pulled away enough for he can turn around and face his father once his tears had dried up. He wiped away his father's tears.

"Don't cry Dad, its not the end of the world. If you did something wrong then just apologize like you always have me do"

Tai shook his head.

"Its not the same this time"

"Yes it is, the best way to solve a problem is to say I'm sorry"

He said with a smile causing Tai to smile as well as he thought of a way on how to apologize to Paige.

*Later That Same Day*

Tai had Kari babysit his son while he went over to Paige's apartment to apologize. He knocked on the door as he waited holding a bouquet of flowers in his hands. The door open to reveal Paige in tears as she tried wiping them. Tai looked at her sadly.

"Paige I..."

But before Tai can finish his sentence Paige pulled him into her apartment and closed the door as she pushed him up against the door and pressed her lips against his. Tai was surprise by the action not knowing exactly what brought this on, she pulled apart and pulled him into her room. She quickly pulled of his shirt surprising Tai by the action. She gave him a passionate heated kiss as she unbuckled his pants. Once it was off she pushed him on the bed laying down flat on his back as she climb on top already naked. Tai was groaning, as Paige bounced on his lap, his cock deep inside her, all the while she was moaning like a slut in heat.

"Mine, all mine!"

Moaned Paige letting her tongue hang out as Tai reached up and began to grope her ass as she bounced. Paige began to wither a top of Tai in pure pleasure.

"Paige, I'm gonna cum."

Tai groaned feeling his limit.


Paige screamed. Tai held her down on his cock as he unloaded his release directly into her womb. Paige shuddered at the feeling, moaning as she came as well. Tai tried to catch his breath while Paige laid on his body and wrapped her arms around him.

"Just remember, I can let you use my pussy as long as you want, just stay away from any other girls."

Paige growled.

"Promise. I'm sorry Paige"

Tai panted.

Paige smiled and kissed him on the nose.

"You are forgiven"

She said as she laid down beside him.

"What brought this on?"

He asked a she looked to Paige who blushed bright red.

"I'm pregnant"

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