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I let Ethan in, as he came in more the thought I had became deeper and I couldn't wait any longer. Ethan looked at me and realized that I had a bruise on my face and a busted lip but that didn't worry my too much, I noticed Ethan had also had a busted lip cause of dad.

I attached my lips to Ethan's even though it hurt, it what hurts than makes it better, he didn't hesitate he kissed me back, he made his way down my neck, I moaned softly when his lips attached to my skin, his plump lips to my soft neck, kissing the flesh slightly.

My hands moved though his thick dark brown hair, biting the flesh harder than he already was.

Leaving wet kisses on my skin, all be wanted was me but I couldn't cause Nolan

"Ethan" I whispered, his big arms snaking around my waist and held me tightly wanting to feel more of my body, be grabbed me harder and began to leave larger purple marks

I tossed my head back in pleasure as he bit on my skin, wanting the most prominent marks possible for everyone to see

That may not be a good thing, cause my dad

Ethan detached his lips from my skin before he tries to do anything again, I stopped him cause I didn't want this and I know I'm the one who started it but I'm going to finish it.

I liked Ethan but I love Nolan.

I told Ethan to stop he knew what was going on

"Its Nolan isn't it" he spoke softly

"I'm sorry" I spoke trying not to cry

"I understand" I began to leave

"Ethan please"
"You should tell him" he spoke and left though the window

I lied down on my bed I felt so stupid for what I just did and I want to explain my self to Nolan

I wanted to go over to his house but I can leave the house and if I didn't it would be awkward for Ethan and i

I grabbed my phone and tried to call him but he didn't pick up i really wanted to talk to him.

I kept trying to call but still no answer.

I decided to do the most reckless thing possible, I was gonna run away from home

I know its bad especially for mum cause i cant leave her alone cause she will get punished for my action but i promise that when i find a safe place i will do everything i can to save her

I grab the bag i threw under the bed and finished packing the stuff I packed earlier, I pack only things that I really need.

I decided to sleep on it cause I thought I was going to change my mind but I was 100% going to leave for the sake of my safety and my mother

I tried calling Nolan again but no answer so i left a voice message

'Hey Nolan its shanice, I'm sorry for what i said i didn't mean it and i just want to talk to you..and tell you i lo-' i spoke to slow not long enough to get in what I wanted to say

I was about to call him again but my phone died.

I decided to not call him cause he might get that voice message and I can just explain my self tomorrow.

Next day

I got up really early and I snuck out I was going to take the car but dad could find me and plus it would of been hard to get them cause they were right next to him and if I woke him up he would know what I'm doing,

I made it out of the house, the sun hasn't even come up yet and I couldn't really see. I was making my way to the Dolans house I went to see Kurt first cause I know he would be awake cause I texted him when I woke up.

Finally made it to Kurt's and he opened the door I could hear his parent yell at each other

"Hey Kurt I just wanted to tell you and Harriet that I'm leaving"

"I know Nolan told me and I told him as well but I think you should should talk to him

I made my way to the Dolans after talking to Kurt and Ethan texted m want to talk

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