1 One Must Die First In Order To Live Again

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Jia-Long stood a few feet behind his Queen, gaze fixed on Medusa's reflection against the crystal window that covered the entire wall. The silence was deafening as Medusa observed the glorious and sovereign city prospering below her. After Attilan's great fall, the people experienced a severe loss, one they couldn't come back from. They had lost their King, Blackbolt, to a devastating war that could have easily been avoided if Blackbolt's brother didn't crave power and the throne that much. After that great loss, Adalynne was born. A floating city, hidden away by a surrounding force of nature, an impenetrable fortress that no man can ever cross.

They call it the Devil's Dungeon, but it was more commonly known among humans as The Bermuda Triangle.

The Queen of Adalynne's City was a lethal combination of intelligence and caution, she had learned to trust no one. Attilan used to be a simple and poor city hidden in one of the moon's craters, but when its reign came to an end, Medusa and those who managed to survive, all traveled to Earth. This happened in 1899 and with their intelligence, they managed to find the Bermuda Triangle, they took advantage of the electromagnetic interference in the place. Then Medusa appointed two survivors whose powers were solely based on natural disasters and destruction, they were in charge of destroying, sinking, disappearing, and leaving no witnesses if any human ship, aircraft, or navigators were to enter their radar. Then, slowly, but surely they began building their empire from the ground up, becoming an imperialistic and militaristic society with the only widespread religion being to worship the Supreme Intelligence.

"Do you doubt your pupil, Master Jia-Long?" Medusa's voice was cold as a blade and devoid of any emotion.

Master Jia-Long averted his eyes a little to the left and watched from afar as Ghost boarded the Helion ship, the ramp closed behind her. "I have absolute faith in her. It is them I do not trust. We owe them nothing."

"Don't waste your life energy on them, Master." Medusa's words were meant to be comforting, but coming from a woman who had lost everything and had to carry the burden of the crown on her own. She had lost the ability to empathize with others, which is why Master Jia-Long was her most trusted advisor; he provided the balance her ruling desperately needed at times.

"Their dim-witted brains could not possibly know how to control a being like her." Medusa glanced to the right wall of her study, where a golden lasso neatly hung against the wall. It used to be her sisters, but when they fled Attilan, this was the only thing she could bring with her. Blinking, Medusa's hardened eyes returned to the window. "Nevertheless, it is because of them that she is home. They gifted us with a champion. It is only fair that we help them recuperate theirs."

The Inhuman Master with Chinese features clasps his hands behind his back, bowing his head a little to show reverence. "I do not mean to question your methods, My Queen, but is it truly necessary to test her loyalty to us by sending her back to America? We could have sent Aeron or Jett. They are just as effi—."

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