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𝕻𝖗𝖔𝖑𝖔𝖌𝖚𝖊 - The War

𝕻𝖗𝖔𝖑𝖔𝖌𝖚𝖊 - The War

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𝕿𝖍𝖊 world was at war, more specifically, Europe. The obscene smell of rotting bodies and gunpowder infested Germany. Katrina and Alicia Vikander were both nurse assistants although they worked as if they were real nurses. It was a miracle that they were allowed to enter a tent to aid the wounded, seeing that the Vikander sisters weren't white, they had to face a lot of racism and rejection. Katrina being the eldest was in charge of protecting her younger sister, she tried to get all the beatings and all the insults so Alicia didn't have to suffer as much. But no matter how much she tried to protect her, sometimes it was all in vain, the Vikanders sometimes believed that they were cursed, if so they were double cursed. They were born women and black, they were no one, they would die and no one would remember them.

"Er erleidet einen traumatischen Schock. Er braucht Kochsalzlösung." A nurse in her mid forties announced, Alicia was picking up the bloody gauzes thrown on the ground. "Sie." He's going into traumatic shock. He needs saline. You.

Silence followed which had Alicia turning her head to the nurse, her dress uniform and her hands were stained by the soldier's blood. Alicia wanted to throw up, the soldier had surely been hit by an IED. "Ja, du Neger. Hol mir auf der Krankenstation ein paar Flüssigkeiten." Yes, you negro. Go fetch me some fluids at the infirmary.

"Sofort, Schwester." Alicia quickly mumbled and dropped the bucket filled with bloody gauzes on the floor. Right away, nurse.

The smell of wet earth hit her nostrils full force as she exited the tent, the heavy rain fell on her as she ran across the muddy street and towards the infirmary. Alicia ran inside and came to an abrupt stop, her breath got caught in her throat as she stared at the empty shelves, they were black on supplies.

"Scheiße, Scheiße..." Alicia cursed as she approached the shelf, hand rummaging over the empty boxes of medicine scattered. If they weren't at war Alicia would've believed they were raided. Shit, shit...

She glanced around and spotted a big box labeled as IV, Alicia's heart almost leaped out of her chest as she ran towards it. She fell on her knees and turned the box around, one IV fluid fell off the box, she let out a sigh of relief. She grabbed the bag and stood up, she tugged the IV inside her dress pockets where it would be safe and protected from the rain.

"Dieb! Du bist ein Dieb!" A German soldier accused her of being a thief, Alicia turned around as fast as she could, her heart was beating hard. Thief! There's a thief in the infirmary!

She shook her head and tried to explain her situation. "Nein, natürlich bin ich kein Dieb. Ich bin Assistentin der Krankenschwestern, ich wurde rekrutiert ..." No, of course I am not a thief. I am a nurse assistant, I have been hired...

"Wage es nicht, mit mir zu sprechen!" The soldier hastily grabbed his gun and aimed it at her, Alicia's breath was sucked out of her lungs as she instinctively got to her knees with her hands raised. "Wie kannst du es wagen, die Krankenschwester uniform zum Stehlen zu benutzen? Schämst du dich nicht? Das wirst du teuer bezahlen Frau." Don't you dare speak to me! How dare you use the nurse uniform to steal? Are you not ashamed? You are going to pay dearly for this woman.

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