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This story takes place after Infinity War, so everyone is still gone. So obviously SPOILERS AHEAD. Seriously if you haven't seen Infinity War(which is a disgrace) do not read.

Tony's 3rd person POV
Tony sat on the groud of Titan, hovering over the ashes of the Spider. He could still here the kid begging not to go. All Tony could do was watch the kid die right before his eyes. Helplesly watching Peter sufer in pain.

Tony realized that he was crying. Quickly he wiped his eyes and looked up at his only company. When he looked up she was looking right at Tony. Tony could see the sorrow in her eyes. Realizing that he didn't know her name he decided to ask. Tony opened his mouth to ask but found that he had lost his voice. She decided to speak.

"Are you done mourning, you have been sitting there for 2 hours. We need to leave." She said.

Tony replied by grabing a hanful of the ash and stuffed into his jacket pocket and zipped it up.

"Then lets go, by the way I am Tony, Tony Stark. If we are going to acompany eachother to earth we should know each others name." Tony said in a raspy voice that he had obtained from silently crying for an hour.

"It's Nebula" She said


They boarded an orange and blue ship. Nebula flew the ship and Tony sat in the lower level. The lower level looked like a teenager's bedroom, who has neglected to clean there room for a month.

Amungst the clutter, he found an old Zune from 2006 with earbuds and decided to play a song trying to get his mind off of peter. He turned on the Zune and started looking through the songs.

Tony's POV
Going through the zune, none of the songs stood out to me, most of the songs were from 60's to the 80's and no AC/DC. I'm guessing this was Quill's because he was the only one from earth.

I shuffled the music so I wouldn't have to choose. The song starts and instantly recognise it, Father & Son, Cat Stevens. It starts to play and all i can think about is Peter. He was like a son to me. A son I never had. It seems so fitting that my dream this morning was about having a son but him just disapearing when I woke. The kid has gone through so much. He lost both his parents at a young age and then he lost his Uncle Ben and he is only 16.

"What am I going to tell May?" I said to myself.

Slowly I took the earbuds out of my ears because listening to music wasn't helping. I made my way to the front of the ship to where Nebula was. Once I got to the front I saw Nebula. I didn't want to disturb her so i just took a seat in the back.

"We are only a click away from earth." Nebula told me.

"We are only a what away from earth" I replied

"A click." Nebula turned her head to look at my confused face" Do you not know what a click."

I shook my head no.

"You humans are weird." She mumbled.

"Uhm you just so happen to be speaking Anthony Stark, genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist. Son of Howard Stark. Oh and on top of all that I am Iron Man and part of the Avengers. Just because I don't know what a stupid space term is doesn't make me weird." I said, a little annoyed with Nebula. How dare she call me weird when she is basically a robot. "I'm going to go look around ship and see if they have any food since we are only 'click away', whatever the hell that means." I got up to go and look around when Nebula decided to speak. I smirk knowing she doesn't have a comeback.

"Don't bother, we are already here." Nebula said in a monotone voice.

Once we entered earth's atmosphere I called Pepper so that I could tell her I was okay and to see if she was okay.

"Tony, Tony is that you are you okay?" Pepper said sounding panicked.

"Pepper it's me I'm okay I just called to tell you I'm okay and know if you are okay." I replied calmly trying to calm her down.

"Tony, Happy turned to dust right in front of me. WHAT IS HAPPENING?" She screamed

"I will explain later but right now I need to make another call." I then hung up.

Well that went well. Quickly I went through my contacts looking for Steve's new phone number. I found it and dialed it

"Please pick up, please pick up" I mumbled to myself.

" uuhhh" I lurched forward and fell onto my ass.


"Language" I could here Steve say. Followed by Nebula telling me that we landed. I picked up the phone.

"Steve where are you, who is still alive I'm coming to you."

"Come to wakanda we will meet you at the border." Then he hung up.

I walked to where Nebula was and told her we need to go to Wakanda. She just nodded and took the ship into the sky once more.

*******Time skip to being in Wakanda******

I saw Steve at the border along with thor and a raccoon. All three of them looked like they just lost everything that the carred about. Especially Thor. Nebula and I exited the craft. The raccoon kept on looking behind us for something. All of a sudden it spoke.

"Where's Quill"

Authors Note
So that's the first chapter of an Infinity Away. What do you think so far?

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